Women Entrepreneurs- Leading from the front


An ENTREPRENEUR is an individual who starts or creates businesses in the hope of making it a success with extensive risk involvement, so basically it can be a male or female. In today’s world, women have touched the zenith in each various fields including entrepreneurship and have left men behind. In the last couple of years there has been a notable growth in women entrepreneurship and they have also proven themselves to be great entrepreneurs. Although female business owners incorporate a total of 30-35% out of the total entrepreneurship index, there has been an enthusiastic shift in role of women in businesses as with the emergence of female entrepreneurs.

But during the mid 19th century, women were handling businesses as a way of supplementing income. The ventures these women commenced were not known as entrepreneurial because many of them had to bow to their domestic responsibilities, but now we see them as leaders, creators and developers. The Women Entrepreneurship has hit the media tipping point, as initially starting businesses from fragments to high growth operations which include hair salons owners, high tech visionaries and leaders in big companies. Not just that, women in world are stepping in venturing out to start their businesses and making condemnatory offerings to the economy.

Some of major facts behind the global rise of women entrepreneurship are:

  • Women are recognized as powerful leaders:

Women entrepreneurs are becoming apparent. More than two- third of women – present day in c-suite level jobs are recognized as powerful and substantial leaders and have been outlaid by their bosses, peers and associates as overall better leaders than their male counterparts. According to the survey two main aspects where women outscored men are – taking initiative and driving for results. As great leaders they tend to provide better health facilities, on the job trainings and paid leaves options to the staff.

  • Women are Innovative:

Innovation is a process of thinking and introducing new ideas,           plans and services in business and women tend to be good at this mental process. Women entrepreneurs have higher levels of innovation and look different than their male equivalents. A good number of women in all countries surveyed, managed to translate innovative plans into action and they have a trusted status in communities also, so they remain successful.

  • Women take the long term view in business:

As the survey suggests, the number of male and the female entrepreneurs interested in their business growth are almost indistinguishable for the next 5 years. The research suggests women are more likely to reinvest around 90% of the profits in various fields, but however men on the other side contemplate for rapid growth of their business and for a quicker exit, so female entrepreneurs take a long term view in business. The women entrepreneurship also stimulates economic development in their community and creates new jobs for people.

  • Women are strategic enough:

The trend these days is to establish solid women business or corporate network, where others can collectively pool resources and expertise, and that is why women all around the world are assembling themselves into groups. Women tend to pay more attention towards the social causes and remain generous of philanthropic contributions, they are unafraid of technology and have also entered many industries with a more diverse workforce network – possessing a lot of business ideas, so they have strategies for their ventures.

  • Women are enthusiasts and motivational:

Women entrepreneurs are not afraid of taking risks and are likely to make more than above average risks which is due to intense passion for their work. Women work with enthusiasm and zeal and are very inspiring as they are also provoked by the opportunity to control over the business or to act as their own boss!

Women succeed despite facing more barriers than men, because they embrace risks and work with an optimistic approach in life. Now also have access to business capital and seed funding but also women are intimidated to move forward in life.

And today’s trend shows that women will be driving the force of entrepreneurial growth in future, as there promising attitude, relentless zeal and great thirst for success and knowing themselves of helping out to reconcile the pulls of family and career are some of the reasons behind the impeccable growth in women entrepreneurship.

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