Managing personal life and business II

Managing personal life and business II

Keep your business life away from all the emotions of personal lives. It is tough to draw a solid line differentiating the facets of your life but there is atleast a blurry one. Sometimes even just a few moments of complete separation from the business goes a long way. It can be as simple a gesture as keeping your cell phone away while you take a peaceful walk. This energizes you and refreshes your brain, which in turn helps you think more clearly.

Learn to say NO. Be clear about your ideas and needs. Building a business forces you to take sharp decisions that may require you to be very clear about your choices. As a hard working entrepreneur it is easy to slide down the slippery slope of saying YES to every opportunity, every client, and every task – big or small – that comes your way.  It can be hard, even terrifying, to say NO but that doesn’t mean you can over burden yourself!

Keep your foot on the ground and let your business idea and your bank account numbers fly high in the sky. Time is best invested in people rather than in machines. Money is materialistic. You can earn and lose millions in mere seconds however it takes ages to build healthy relationships. You must take time out to nurture your relationships. Being pompous and arrogant will blind side you and you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Relationships give you support, motivation and even a few hurtful shocks that ultimately push you to go that extra mile. When the going gets tough (and we all know that it does) these are the people who will help you get through.  And when the going gets good (and we know that it well) they’ll also be the ones to celebrate your success.

“Keep the standard of your business high and the quality of you relationships even higher “.

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