I.T Revolution

I.T Revolution

Information Technology is an important field, awarness of which is must otherwise we would lag far behind the developed nations of the world

Now-a-days if we have to reserve a seat in a railway compartment, we can do it through internet by the e – reservation system.similarily if we have to send a mass- message to anyone , we can send a e- mail

In 1992, when the government tried to introduced I.T in India , huge piblic protest were carried out because people thought that it would increase unemployment which was already at a very high rate at that time,but it proved to be much advantageous.

Internet commonly known as world wide web is another important application of Information Technology, whether we have to undergo a minor surgery, take admission in a foreign institution , collect geographical information, the result of any examination on internet..its the fastest and cheapest way to do so.

Mobile phones came to India around 1992. At that time the rate for an incoming call was Rs 16 per min. where as for outgoing call it was Rs 32 per min. , but now with cut throat competition in mobile communication market among different companies , tarrif rate fall down speadly. Now we can see a mobile phone in the hands of people from higher to lower division clerk and from a big businessman to a labouror

Previously we had to spend a whole day in the bank, but now with the computerisation system of the bank and with the help of ATM’s all the transaction can be made easily like premium of life , insurance policies , electricity bills , income tax return etc

Due to India’s cheap, fast and best services foreign MNC’s are getting attaracted towards India .

The Indian PM Modi ji has given a call to make India an IT superpower and one of the largest generators and exporters of software in the world within the 10 years so the day is not far when India shall be counted in developed nation 

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