Acronym #5:FEDBK

The last acronym REPAIR stood for Reason, Empathy, Pragmatic, Acknowledge, Inquire Incognito and Respond, which was a to-go check list for dealing with office issues and problems.

This time we will focus on how to “sell” your solutions because finding them is not enough these days. You’ll have to convince everyone on how your answer deserves an A+. How? Follow these simple rules of FEDBK:

Features-  Attributes are obvious parts of every claim, to convert these aspect into something that sounds relate-able, relevant and reputable is a task in itself. But it’s a must to transform facts into claims and we all know who wins the fact vs claim war. (It’s claim, FYI.)

Enlist- Do not forget to put your ideas forward. They may sound banal to you but can turn out to be full fledged plans that can help you reap positive outcomes. Never underestimate the power of a simple idea.

Differentiate- Set your opinion apart from other avenues. Unless you show how well the company can profit from your brain-child, they’ll never be impressed. Do not undermine your competitors, stand out!

Benefits- Every advice has its own aspects and features but to pick out the relevant points, however few they may be, and present them as yield-able benefits is what breaks the deal. If you go on and on about what you can do and produce a list that’s not even relevant to the problem at hand, you might as well keep quiet.

Knowledge- Have complete and absolute knowledge of what you are about to say before even thinking about saying it out loud. You should be equipped to dodge questions, queries and arguments that can be either in favor or against your stance. Half information is worse than no information. Never make false facts or data, rather, accept the lack of intricacies and promise answers in near future.

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Acronym #4: REPAIR
Employee Relations – by Avni Agarwal

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