Soft Skills


A skill is a learning ability to carry out a task with pre-determined results often within a given amount of time, energy, or both. In a layman’s language skills is the ability to do something well. It is a talent or an ability, which comes from practice or training. Skills can be broadly divided into two segments of hard skills and soft skills.

HARD SKILLS: The easy-to-identify skill sets – like operating machinery, accounting concepts, or software knowledge — are classified as “hard skills.” They are specific and can be taught easily and have less to do with an individuals personality.

SOFT SKILLS: soft skills are less tangible and harder to quantify. Soft skills sometimes called “people skills,” refer to those qualities that make an excellent employee and can include how they interact with coworkers and build relationships, their workplace professionalism, and their ability to adapt and think creatively to solve problems.

Hard skills and Soft skills often play an important role when applying for a job. The hard skills are important to get through an interview but however, it will the soft skills, which will set you apart from the crowd. Soft skills give you an edge over others and help you make connections with your clients in a corporate world. Soft skills should not be neglected and an individual should develop as they work as an individual’s strength.


Click here for government certification in Life Skills

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