Social Networking Sites – Platform For Social Change


Today the click of a mouse

Is more powerful than the word of the mouth

Sipping a cup of tea, sitting in front of the computer, chatting with friends about the sickening, spine-chilling and shameful incident of the ‘Delhi Gang-Rape’ I joined the movement through a social networking site. And not only me, but the entire nation also got together on social networking sites to support the movement. Neither a leader nor a political support, not even the influence of any major political party, the movement became a huge success, which electrified the government to ensure better laws for the security of women in India. In fact, the number of people who came together on social networking sites was 20 times greater than the number of people who organized rallies. It was these sites that allowed people in essential services and the people living abroad to join hands and fight this injustice.

Social networking sites have transcended their initial purpose of merely connecting friends and have become a doorway to the world. The voice of one reaches billions within a second. Be it by a Dalit or a high caste, be it by a Hindu or a Muslim, every voice is heard. And therefore there is no doubt about the fact that these sites deepen the spirit of our democracy.

In 2001, Ajay Mamuktala raised 2 million supporters through a campaign online for cancer patients. Fukushima rocked the country of Japan in 2011 leading to massive annihilation. And in that moment of crisis, social networking sites were no longer just websites, they were the thread connecting the entire humanity by providing a medium for communication, if nothing more than just a way of saying “We care and we’re all here for you.”  And personally, I believe that this is what counts the most.

This swift and smart world of social networking sites is undoubtedly the platform we rediscover our unity and reshape the society.

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