Social CRM and Blogger Outreach

Social CRM and Blogger Outreach

In referencing bloggers and blogger outreach, this is not meant exclusively about A-list bloggers. These individuals are certainly factors and have most definitely earned their reputations by consistently delivering value to their subscribers. However, the idea that “reaching them” and asking them to do your bidding is somehow a sufficient social marketing effort is misplaced at best, and it will land anyone in trouble at worst.

Like celebrities, A-list bloggers are few in number and can be spotted considerably. There are lists of them, making them easy to connect with. As a part of your blogger outreach program you’ll want to connect with the A list bloggers that matter to you, but a word of caution: Holding to their own professional standards their personal brands depend on it, after all the one`s mentioned in A-list will write as they please. Develop a relationship with them when your product or service is up to snuff. Prior to that, or when first establishing your relationship with them, look for ways to help them out but don’t do it out of expectation for a favor. Simply pay it forward, as the saying goes, and focus on delivering a great product or service. The rest will follow.

A-list bloggers write to satisfy a passion and primarily not for a paycheck, though many do earn a living or contribute significantly toward one through their writing. Their passion is their chosen topic and the process of sharing the information related to it with others. Everyone wants these people in their camp, no doubt about it. But there are others that you need as well.

Far more important at the outset is to identify, reach, and build solid relationships with the B, C, and as comedienne Kathy Griffin puts it, the D list. You are looking for the people who have a reach of 10, 100, or 1,000, maybe even 10,000 who write for your market. These bloggers are looking for the information that you have.

They would love to write about you again assuming that what you offer is worth writing about if only they knew about you. This is where tools such as BuzzStream, Sysomos, Scout Labs, and Alterian’s SM2 platform really shine. They’ll help you find the sources of conversations that relate to your business, and then through their own progressing of the well maintained social graph, they will connect enough information that you can initiate a relationship and then develop it through a managed Social CRM and a much influencer program.


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