Reasons of Employees Transfer

Reasons of Employees Transfer

Transfer refers to changes in which pay status and privileges of new post are roughly the same as of the old/existing post . Thus a transfer is lateral movement of an employee not involving promotion or demotion. A transfer may require an employee to change his work group n, work place or organisation unit .

Purpose of Transfer . Organisations resort to transfers with a view to serve following purposes :

  • To meet the organisational demands – An organisation may have to transfer its employees due to change in technology , change in volume of production , schedule , product line , quality of products , changes in the job pattern caused by change in organisational structure , fluctuations in the market conditions like demand fluctuation , introduction of new lines and dropping of exiting lines. all these changes may demand the shift in job assignments with a view to place the right man on the right job .
  • To satisfy the employees` needs – Employees may need transfers in order to satisfy their desire to work under a friendly superior , in a department/ region where opportunities for advancement are brighter , in or near their native place or place of interest , doing a job where the work itself is challenging etc.
  • To utilize employees better – An employee may be transferred because the management feels that the skills , experience and job knowledge could be put to better use elsewhere.
  • To make the employee more versatile – Employees may be rolled over different jobs to expand their capabilities . job rotation may prepare the employee fro more challenging assignments in future .
  • To adjust workforce – Workforce may be transferred from a plant where there is less work to a plant where there is a more work .
  • To reduce burden – Transfers may be made to give relief to employees who are overburdened or doing hazardous work for long periods .
  • To reduce conflicts – Where employees find it difficult to get along with their colleagues in a particular section , department or location they could be shifted to another place to reduce conflict .
  • To punish employees – Transfer may be effected as disciplinary measure – to shift employees indulging in undesirable activities to remote , far flung areas .

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