Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

As Maslow rightly put, the human race needs to fulfill certain needs in order to live if not a happy but content life.

These, when amalgamated with our life skills, help us deal with most of life’s circumstances and help overcome our inhibitions, in ways we never thought were possible!

The very first need being physiological needs– air, water and food.

Since time immemorial humans have adapted to their surroundings by means of hunting and gathering. It’s true that since then we have evolved but not yet fully. We still find people living below the poverty line resorting to ways of stealing, killing and lying just to fulfill their physiological needs. However their innate tendency to fulfill them through means considered immoral by the rest of the world can be solved through skills applied such as that of negotiating and problem solving skills which breed feelings of calmness and resilience.

The next being safety. Safety can have different definitions for different people. For one it could be having enough money in their account or for others it could mean being able to sleep safely at night. At a very basic level these negative ideas that cloud our thinking and judgement can be tackled by eating and exercising right. These steps help rationalize our thinking so that we don’t end up taking actions we might regret later on and subsequently lead us to the correct path.

Love and belongingness –  whether it is to be accepted by our family, friends or even lovers. They say it’s often lonely at the top, this statement does hold true for those who only  chase power and wealth. These kind of people have a low emotion intellect which hampers the smooth sailing of most of their relationships. At one point most of us need that the chase to materialistic things isn’t worth it. Prioritizing and communicating with others helps us to empathize, listen and care more which in turn allows us to fix the holes in relationships that matter thus allowing the top to be anything but lonely.

Esteem- For several reasons we often find ourselves balancing one foot in the pond of happiness and the other in a swamp of our melancholic emotions. We may be in a room full of people but still find ourselves to feel lonely. This is where our self-knowledge skills kick in. To know who we are, what our likes and dislikes are and most importantly, what is it that is pulling our happiness and along with it our esteem. To work on it and constantly be surrounded by positive energy is one way to go at it.

last being, attaining self actualization. 

“What a man can be, and must be.” It includes realizing our full potential and the undying desire to be everything we want to be. For this we may be required to move mountains if must, but it is all worth it in the end. Our motivational skills and living skills continuously oscillate to help us achieve our goal.


“To pledge our allegiance to reach the top of this pyramid is our life’s goal and key to happiness. ”

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