Human Resource Management by Shubhangi Sethi

Human Resource Management

The difference in the interpretation of Human Resource Management have created two different schools thought: soft and hard Human Resource Management  are also often defined as two main models of HRM .Soft HRM  focuses on employee training , development , commitment and participation . It is used to define human resource function aimed to develop motivation , quality and commitment of employees .  Hard HRM ,  the other hand ,concentrates mostly on strategy where human resource are used to achieve organisational goals.It is also associated with cost control and head count strategies ,  especially in business processes like downsizing , lowering wages , shortening comfort breaks etc.”- Beardwill and Vaydon 

This definition has very beautifully described Human Resource Management in  very detailed form . Yes , HRM is utilization of employees capabilities and using them according to organisation’s strategies . After understanding it properly that what Human Resource actually is . Now let us have a look at its techniques. There are a number of techniques but the most eminent of the is Training and Development. Training and Development involves guiding the employees according to the needs and requirements of the organisation. It is very important for the organisation to shape the caliber of the employees according to the needs of the organisation .Thus the organisation provides training to the employees.These type of trainings are helpful in uniting the employees with addition to it , provides direction to them to work on the same line . Training is not only beneficial for the organisation as a whole but it is also beneficial for the employee as an individual. It enhances the employee’s abilities, provides an extra plus point to their existing capabilities .There are a number of techniques apart from’ training and development’ . It includes flexible time and work, collective bargaining, employees or lease etc.If an organisation wants to prosper and grow beyond the confined limits then HRM is extremely important for it because employees are the biggest asset for any organisation  and organisation can expand without their support.

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