Crime Reporting

Crime Reporting

[review]Basically what is Crime? So Crime is an act which is being committed in the VIOLATION OF LAW where the consequence of conviction by a court is mainly punishment such as imprisonment. So reporting regarding the crime is very essential one because of the following reason-
A) It is being the central part of news coverage of the free and independent press.
B) These stories are considered to be more newsworthy

As readers generally want to know how the crime happens and laws are being broken, how police solve the case and what’s the punishment for the committed crime.
So if talk about the QUALITIES and Other requirement of a Crime Reporter then some of the qualities are as follows-
A) Suspicious- As reporting of a crime involves so many mysteries and all so a crime reporter needs to be more suspicious in order to get the crux of the story.
B) Good Contacts- Getting the hidden information that to related to crime is very hard, so in order to get the statements and follow up of the story then a reporter must have good contacts.
C) Analytical And Organized – Crime reporter must understand the chart, graphs, accounting and legal jargon in order to present the story to the readers so that they could get whole information including numerical data as well if any.
D) Motivated by Ethics and Morals- He/ She possess a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong, try to ensure accountability , transparency etc.

There are many qualities like self confidence, trustworthiness, courage, communication and teamwork etc. to get success in this field.
So what are the SOURCES that a crime reporter uses in order to get the information? Following are the main sources that a crime reporter uses –
Police and Police Station
Police Blotter
Incident reports
Arrest Warrants, Search Warrants, Jail booking records.
Autopsy Reports
Medical examiner Reports
Criminal History Reports
Police misconduct investigation records.

There are many CHALLENGES that are being faced as a crime reporter like sometime Police don’t want to the information , not behave properly with the reporter, even a reporter have to wait for hours to a single statement of information etc. But even with these kinds of situation they work very enthusiastically in order to give a proper piece of information to their readers.

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