Career Development – Important for Individuals

Career Development - Important for Individuals

Career is a sequence of positions occupied by a person during course of a life time .

From an organisational point of view , career development involves teaching career paths. In contrast , individual career development focuses on assisting individuals to identify their major career goals and to determine what to do to achieve these goals . While organisational career development looks at individuals filling the needs of the organisation , the development of an individual`s personal work career irrespective of where this work is performed. An excellent employee may decide to leave an organisation if he thinks that his career aspirations can be better achieved outside the present organisation.

Career Stages . most of the people go through the five career stages during adult years regardless of the type of work they do . These stages are :

  1. Exploration :This is the stage when a person make choices for their career , they always suppose to do job with their comfort zone where they can easily put up themselves  , are made prior to entering the workforce on paid basis. the exploration period starts with the end of teen age and end with the age of mid twenties .we make the transition from college to work .
  2. Establishment :The establishment period starts up  with search for work and involves our first job , being accepted by our peers , learning the job and giving the first evidence of success or failure in the real world. It is a time which begins with uncertainties , anxieties and risks .now the person gets conscious of making their career in reputed fields and ready to go beyond from their comfort zone . The individual has yet to reach his peak productivity and rarely gets the job that carries great power or high status .
  3. Mid career :At this point , one is expected to have moved beyond apprenticeship to work status . Those who make a successful transition , assume greater responsibilities  and get rewards . For others , it may be a time for reassessment , job changes adjustment of priorities or pursuit of alternative life styles .
  4. Late career : The person who get enough success during their mid career , , the late career usually is a good  time when one is allowed the luxury to relax a bit .at this stage persons reaches to high position & respected by everyone in the organisation. they act as valuable employees of the organisations .  During this stage , they are no longer learning , they teach others on the basis of knowledge they have gained .
  5. Decline :After getting continuous success and give best to the organisation , the time comes for retirement . at that time professional gets old and company requires fresh minds , will try to reduce these professionals through Voluntary Retirement Scheme    .HR managers are require to take care of this that existing senior employees match up with the DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENT .  . Successful placement at this stage should provide significant advantages to both the organisation and the individual .

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