Bill Gates: the man with a spark!


IBM…Windows…Microsoft… Things that are indispensable to us today! But can you ever imagine even doing without these??

The answer of course is a big No! From assignments to calculations, from school projects to measuring distances and areas; we all have it in our hands. Thanks to some of the big minds of the world; we have almost all the graphs and stats in our fists, on the click of a mouse. And one of the biggest names that counts here is Mr. Bill Gates.

William Henry  Bill Gates; a philanthropist, a computer operator, an inventor, a business magnate and what not! This man is also the former Chief  executive and chairman of MICROSOFT, credited for its foundation with Mr. Paul Allen. Ranked in the Forbes’ list of the world’s wealthiest people, it was the 28th of October’1955 that this great personality came into the world.

Apart from being one of the best entrepreneurs the world has ever seen, quite interestingly, Gates is also a drop out from the Harvard University! Yes… this personal computer genius dropped his studies and preferred to go for his interests and pursue his dream because he believed he could make much more out of his life.

Evident from his business career and his ways of management; Gates is also a brilliant strategy maker and implementer. His employees have always said that he has not only occupied and made his position but also defended it throughout the years. His programming language products gave him a reputation that nobody could even touch! His partnership with IBM is another phase that can be taken into account to see how this man has revolutionized the world in a new sense.

Today, at 55, this man, though working only part time at Microsoft, as he transitioned himself to work for the Bill and  Melinda Gates foundation years back, has his reputation and power intact. Not only is the company’s space growing but also Mr. Gates has to his credits working for various social causes where he has been donating huge sums of money hoping to change the world for a better tomorrow!

As they say, “It is only the people involved in the system who know the reason and the ways to change it!”

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