Algorithms: The heart of every application!


Algorithms are at the heart of every computer application.They are what help you to structure your data and establish a direction for  solving the given problem.They are used for calculation,automated reasoning and data processing.

Computer scientists learn by experience and practice. We learn by observing others solve problems and by solving problems by ourselves. Being exposed to different problem-solving methodologies  and seeing how different algorithms are designed equips us to take on the next challenging problem that is presented to us. By considering a number of different algorithms  and techniques, we can begin to develop pattern recognition so that the next time a similar problem arises, we are equipped to solve it more efficiently.

Algorithms go hand in hand with data stuctures.Data structures help in grouping the data given and algorithms work these structures.Eamples of data structures include array,linked lsts,stacks,etc.

Algorithms differ from one another by various factors. Lets look at an example;say ‘sqrt’ It is  obviously possible that there are different ways to implement steps to compute a square root function. One algorithm may use fewer resources than another. One algorithm might take 5 times as long to return the result as the other. We need a way to compare so that  we can decide which is perhaps “better” than the other. We might suggest this by comparing factors like sped, memory usage etc.As we study algorithms, we learn analysis techniques that helps us to compare and contrast solutions based solely on theirunique characteristics, not the characteristics of the program or computer that are employees to implement them.

So how do u write an algorithm?Well that’s simple! If you were going from Point A to point B how would do it? Well you mentally layout the path you intend to follow and reach the destination as per as your decision.So putting you thought process on paper is what an algorithm is!

In the worst case scenario, we may have a problem that is resolute, meaning that there is no algorithm that can solve the problem in a beneficial amount of time. It is important to be able to differentiate between problems possess solutions, those that might  not, and those where solutions  do exist but require too much time or  resources to work reasonably

There will often be a medium  that we will need to identify and decide upon.As a computer science student or an enthusiast ts important to understand the fundamentals behind various algorithms and also understand their limitations.Understanding these concepts gives a wider scope for solving problems and help in better structuring of data.

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