Your Country.. Your Responsibility

Your Country.. Your Responsibility

Don’t really know how to start this.. Many of us want to go out..out as in to settle in other countries. Right?? Most of us have reasons like dude look at the job i am getting, that country is safe, foreign countries provide better unemployment benefits, look at our country man its nothing compared to that, just compare the situations we are living in. I want to have a safe life.. FAIR ENOUGH. All of us have the right to live a better life, have a safe future, relaxing old age.

The only thing I feel problematic with Β is that once some of those people come and visit India they talk like ohh.. its still the same.. nothing has changed here.. look at the condition of roads.. poverty is still there.. these beggars.. government is doing nothing, when will this country grow.. will something ever happen..

And finally they conclude India will never change, nothing will change here. You will live your lives like this only, better you also move to some other country.. life will be better for you then. YES.. Nothing will change n how can it change. Do you people realize that India is a geographical territory and nothing more than that. It wont change because people who could have changed it are settled somewhere else for a better life.

Finally, to all the people who want to settle some where else i have no problem with that.. its your right but the only problem is when you come back to your country before saying nothing has changed just think for a moment and realize the fact that you are one of the many reasons that it hasn’t changed. It was your country your responsibility.. a geographical area wont develop on its own until people make efforts.( Although many who moved out have done a lot for the country)

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