Quantity above Quality

Quantity above Quality

A recent experience tells me that companies now look for all-rounders. Best of the scores isn’t their only acceptance criteria when it comes to hiring people. But this isn’t what they do at the interviews. Shockingly yes! You don’t always get the job because you are the best among the rest, but because sometimes, they just want numbers.

This theory goes both ways actually. Looking at the individual’s point of view, most people, after getting a job, update their profile and let others know about the kind of job and package they’re currently capable of getting. This makes certain quality-hungry companies offer the same people a better prospective. This practice obviously brings you closer to Mr. Ambani but it also proves you to be disloyal to your companies and there comes a saturation point when you just can’t expect a higher salary from the same sort of job. To quench the thirst for higher salary, you lost your path to success and personal development.

Peeking into the corporate world, I found out that most companies hire the chosen “many” instead of a few just to add to the work force. A substantial number of them leave their desks in a mere period of 6 months. What’s left of the lot is a group of loyal workers who want to develop and rise in their field. The HR department then focuses on the internal and external development of these people.

A new trend is in beta test which might turn the whole HR industry upside down. Quantity then quality, not quality and quantity.

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