Organising- 3 steps to better organize and better manage

Organising as a function of management...

Organizing is one of the important functions of management. It refers to identifying and grouping of different activities in the organization and bringing together human, physical and financial resources to achieve certain goals which benefit the organization as well as it’s stake holders which include the employees, key managerial personnel, the shareholders, creditors, outside parties, etc.


However, for the function of organizing to be effective and suitable, certain steps need to be followed by the organizations to reach their goals accurately and precisely:

1) Identification and division of work: The first step involves identifying the actual and relevant work to be done. After this identification, it needs to be carefully divided and spread amongst the different departments and sections of the firm for early completion and avoiding duplication of activity

2) Departmentalization: This step involves combining and grouping of various similar and related jobs into larger units or sections called departments. Departments can be created on the basis of productive functions, customers, geographical boundaries etc.

3) Assignment of Duties: Once the work has been identified and the suitable departments created, it is necessary to assign jobs to various employees working in the different sections of the firm. Duties are assigned in accordance with skills and qualifications.

Organizing is critical as well as important in every organization due to the following reasons:
1) It leads to systematic allocation of jobs amongst the workforce which further leads to reduction in workload as well as enhancement of productivity

2) The organizing process clarifies working relationships and clearly specifies who is to report to whom which thus reduces any scope for confusions

3) It leads to efficient and effective utilization of human, financial and material resources which in turn results in proper assignment of jobs and hence use of the above resources in the best possible manner

4) This process allows a firm to accommodate changes in the dynamic business environment. Even though the changes cannot be predicted cent percent, but proper organizing methods helps a firm to survive and grow and not get much affected by external shocks.

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