Free Press – how does it affect you ?


Freedom of press refers to the liberation of the press from any sort of restrictions and barriers that hinders them from posting any set of news story. The concept of freedom of press entails from freedom of expression. As press or media is basically the voice of the citizens, it has to be prominent enough to be heard.

Freedom of press guarantees the right to the individual or the media house to freely propagate their views to the people at large. Freedom of press varies from country to country considering on the degree of which it is applied. Freedom of press ensures the growth of the society in respect to knowledge, health and sustainability. A country has all the rights to know about the whereabouts prevailing in the society so that an antidote can be provided.

Though Freedom of Press plays a vital role in informing the general public about the happenings, it is limited to a certain extent. There are several cases in which the Freedom of the Press has to be sacrificed. Some of them may include cases involving national security. These are the cases that preclude the press from broadcasting the news story. Government has taken bold steps to ensure that these cases stay hidden. Bills have been passed in order to safeguard the information that comprises the national interest.

This is debatable that whether cases involving national security should be exempted from the eyes of the public or not?

Anyhow Freedom of press is being hampered by such rules and regulations. Obviating the public from the truth may not necessarily be in their best interest.

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