Education and Training

Education and Training

Education is the process of increasing the knowledge and understanding of employees. It does not provide definite answers, but rather develops a logical and rational mind that can determine relationships among pertinent variables and thereby understand a phenomenon while training is the process of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job. Training is a short term process utilising a systematic and organised procedure by which non-managerial personnel learn technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose.
By education we generally mean formal instructions in a school or a college, whereas training is vocationally oriented and is imparted to do a particular job only. Education is broader in scope though both education and training are concerned with learning.
Actually, the distinction between training and education is not precise because in many cases both training and education occurs at same time. Some formal vocational school programs are only job-oriented, whereas some employee development programs are quite wider in scope and they may be viewed as education.
Is training a luxury? No, training is a necessity and not a luxury. Many big companies spend huge amounts on training as it is generally felt that it motivates employees to put hard work. If the employees understand jobs well, their morale increases and there is also a sense of recognition among the employees that they are the valued members of the enterprise.

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