Technology and mankind…

Technology and mankind

There is not a single field in human life where technology has not smeared his hands on human fortune…

Without any shadow if doubt anyone may comment that , science and technology has contributed greatly to the advancement of the human race and thus  helped widely to change the adverse way we live. It thus  has helped to make our life quite easier.

Students and scientists are are at the doorstep of the modern technology and are the emerging factors for the advancements of  the technical world .It is important that they play their roles importantly in advancement of the technical world so that our country may prosper one day and be one of the strongest nations  worldwide.

In recent times, technology has encouraged the production of weapons of destructive nature and has thus encouraged in raging of numerous number of wars world wide . Thus these pose a serious threat to all of the human race or humanity. However we must a stop to all these malpractices for the shake of our future generations.

Now technology has improved out lives in every ways , starting from simple child birth- we need technology fro operating on the patient , to a going to school where we need bus to go to a school , to even reading and writing where we need a  pen and paper the fruit of simple technology , to an adverse case of engineering where  technology is required in every step .

Now we can not  even think a life without the availability of technology. We start our day with availability of internet a fundamental gift of technology. If you ask this generation the fourth thing after the food water and shelter will surely be free WiFi and internet connectivity. We can not even think of a life without the availability of internet connection. Internet helps to bring the world to our doorstep.

Thus technology has mixed intimately to our life…

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