

Every heard of “Human-o-metrics”? Let’s talk about it. It is a science which deals which statistics based on humans, i.e., deaths, births, our diet, our organs, our populations, basically it gives statistics on every possible factor.


Let’s start.

>94% of professors teaching at large universities think that they are better than average professors.

Well, being at that position, everyone would think the same!


>Company affects your appetite. If you are in a group of 4, you’ll eat 75% more than normal and if you are in a group of 7, you’ll eat 96% more.

If someone is suffering from loss of hunger, make him/her eat in a group of 7!


>Every 1 out of 4 people have lost their complete set of teeth.



>Over 2,500 people are killed every year by using products made for right-handed people.


>It is estimated that at any given time, 7% of world’s population is drunk!

7 is my lucky number and 7% people are drunk!


>Only 1 out of every 2 billion, will live for 116 years or older.

Now that’s something which is going over the top. So much discrimination!


>We sneeze at the speed of 100 mph.

I bet you knew it! Isn’t it?


>Our heart beats for 1,00,000 times per day!

Salute to our heart!


>We produce 80 million gallons of air per year.

It also consists of air which we release. I hope you’ve got it what I was pointing towards.


That would be enough for the demo session of “Human-o-metrics”!

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