Shiny Framework Certification Table of Contents

Table of Content


Introduction and Setup

  • What Is Shiny?
  • Course Scope
  • Self-Presentation
  • System Setup
  • Get Material and Local Environment

Shiny for Python

  • High-Level App Structure
  • Our First App
  • How to Run the Webserver
  • Layout
  • Control Widgets
  • Control Widgets
  • Reactivity
  • Reactivity

First App - Most Popular Languages

  • App Overview
  • Data Preparation
  • Frontend
  • Backend

Second App - Climate Change

  • App Overview
  • App Setup
  • Data Preparation
  • Frontend - App Setup
  • Frontend - Layout with Rows and Columns
  • Frontend - Adding Static Content
  • Frontend - Image with a Link
  • Frontend - Linking Static Content
  • Backend - Adding the World Map
  • Backend - Map Plotting Function
  • Backend - Temperature Plot
  • Backend - Implement a Progress Bar
  • Backend - Implement Color Map


  • Deployment Options
  • and GitHub Gist
  • Web Assembly
  • GitHub Pages
  • GitHub Pages
  • Posit Connect
  • Pitfalls

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