Table of Content
Getting Started
- Playwright Installation
- Playwright Docs
- Launching Browser
- Clicking Link Element
- Script Overview
- Playwright Python REPL
- Locator Role
- Locators Input Field
- Locator Text
- Locator Alt Text
- Locator Title
- Locating with CSS Selectors
- CSS Selectors Hierarchy
- CSS Selectors Pseudo Classes
- Locators XPath
- XPath Functions
- Other Locators
- Mouse Actions
- Actions Text Input
- Radios, Checkboxes, and Switches
- Select Option
- Dropdown Menu
- Upload Files
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Playwright Auto-Waiting
- Auto-Waiting Navigation
- Custom Waiting
- Event Listeners
- Handling Dialogs
- Download Files
- What Is Sync and Async?
- Asynchronous Playwright
- Google Sign In
- Reuse Authentication State
- Reuse Auth State
Automated Mail Checker
- Automatic Mail Checker
- Project Setup
- Locate New Emails
- Locate Email Data
- Combine Locators
- Check Email from Terminal
- Testing Pytest
- Writing Test
- Running Test
- Type Hinting
- Test State
- Pytest Fixture
- Using Fixture
- Fixture Scope
pytest-playwright Plugin
- Install pytest-playwright Plugin
- Playwright Test
- Running Test
- Pytest Config
- Test Hook
Playwright Tools
- Take Screenshot
- Record Video
- Trace Generator and Viewer
- Playwright Codegen
Web-First Assertions
- Assertions Page
- Assertions Element State
- Assertions Element Text
- Assertions Attribute
- Assertions Input Field
- Assertions Checkbox
- Assertions Option Menu
UI Testing Playground
- UI Testing Dynamic ID
- UI Testing Class Attribute
- UI Testing Hidden Layer
- UI testing Load Delay
- UI Testing Ajax Request
- UI Testing Click Action
- UI Testing Input Field
- UI Testing Scrollbars
- UI Testing Dynamic Table
- UI Testing Verify Text
- UI Testing Progress Bar
- UI Testing Visibility
- UI Testing App Login
- UI Testing Mouse Hover
- UI Testing NBSP Character
- UI Testing Overlapped
Playwright Fixtures
- Function Scope Fixtures
- Session Scope Fixtures
- Browser Selection
- Browser Launch and Context Arguments
Page Object Model (POM)
- What Is Page Object Model?
- Page Object Model Implementation
- Page Object Model Usage
- Playwright Homepage POM
- POM Usage
Network Events
- Network Events
- Handle Requests
- Modify Response
API Testing
- Making an API Call
- API Request Context
- API Query String
- CRUD Operations
- Mock API
- Intercept Requests
- Disabling JavaScript
- Run Tests in Parallel
Tips and Tricks
- Pytest CLI Arguments
- Python Debugger
- Device Emulation
- Evaluate JavaScript
GitHub API
- GitHub API Introduction
- Project Setup
- GitHub Token
- Authorized API Context
- Writing Tests
- Running Tests
Continuous Integration (CI)
- GitHub CI Introduction
- Setup Repository
- Writing Tests
- GitHub Action
- Running Automated Tests
Data-Driven Testing
- What Is Data-Driven Testing?
- Pytest Parametrize
- Running Test
Behavior-Driven Development
- What Is Behavior-Driven Development?
- Project Setup
- Define Feature
- Implement Steps
- Running Tests
Apply for Certification