Technological advancements in internet access and mobile phones, has boosted e-commerce market. As logistics and supply chain is essential for online order fulfillment, it has resulted in tremendous demand for e-commerce logistics professionals.
Whether a Business to Business (B2B), Business to Customer (B2C) or Customer to Customer (C2C) company, each require e-commerce logistics professionals for order fulfillment and customer satisfaction with in the cost and time constraints.
The certification in e-commerce logistics not only enhances your knowledge and skills in e-commerce logistics domain but also acts as an proof of your skillset in managing e-commerce logistics and supply chain.
The goal of the certification is to update, assess and certify you on the key Logistics and SCM competencies required to function as a senior executive.
Professionals employed in logistics or supply chain companies will find this certification of immense value for career enhancement. The certification is also apt for professionals who want to switch to promising e-commerce logistics domain for better career opportunities. Students can also benefit by having a proof of their skills, for better job avenues. The certification is suitable for students, executives, managers and senior executives in logistics or supply chain domain.
There is a good demand for certified e-commerce logistics professionals across the globe, certified candidates will find job opportunities in companies like Flipkart, Amazon, Meesho, DHL, Blue Dart, Smart Logistics, TNT, Alcargo, GatiKWE, Mahindra Logistics etc.
E-commerce logistics related blogs
Checkout the latest online blogs on E-commerce logistics manager.
E-commerce Logistics Jobs
Checkout the various job openings for E-commerce Logistics Managers, click here..
E-commerce logistics Internships
Vskills runs its flagship internship programme where bright interns work with academic council, click to know more details..
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