Table of Content
Introduction to financial statement analysis
- Introduction to Profit and Loss Statement
- Profit and Loss Model In Excel
- Introduction To Balance Sheet
- Introduction To Cash Flow Statement
- Integrating Financial Statements Business Case
- Steps To Create Integrated Financial Model
- Creating A Layout For Integrated Model
Financial modeling basics
- Excel Shortcuts
- Referencing Framework In Excel
- Custom Formatting In Excel
- Business Modeling Basic Case
- EMI Model
- Understanding Integrated Valuation Case Study
- Integrated Valuation Model Historical Statement - Profit & Loss
- Integrated Valuation Model Historical Statement - Balance Sheet
Financial modeling- Drivers, Assumption sheet, Revenue & Cost buildups
- Revenue Drivers
- Cost Drivers
- Balance Sheet Drivers
- Building Assumption Numbers
- Building Profit and Loss Assumption
- Building Balance Sheet Assumptions
- Revenue Buildup
- Cost Buildup
- Other Cost Buildup
Forecasting Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet
- Projecting Profit &Loss
- Projecting Balance Sheet
- Asset Schedule
- Financing Schedules
- Modeling Cash Flow Statement
Circular referencing and macros
- Understanding Circular References in Excel
- A Short Case On Using Circular References To Update Interest Expense
- Updating Interest Expense Using Circular References In The Integrated Valuation Model
- Understanding Macros
- Creating Custom Charts Using Macros
- Breaking Circular References Using Macros Application In Finance
Integration of financial model & performing ratio analysis
- Understanding the steps in integrated Financial Model
- Profitability Ratios
- Liquidity Ratios
- Other Ratios
- Basics of Corporate Finance - (Time Value of Money, NPV and IRR)
- Credit Risk Model (Array functions and Lookup functions in Excel)
Financial Modeling Valuation
- Understanding the methodologies of Valuation
- Free Cash Flows to the Firm (FCFF) and Equity (FCFE)
- Calculating FCFF and FCFE
- Understanding Cost of Equity using CAPM
- Understanding Cost of Capital (WACC)
- Understanding Terminal Value
- Integrated Valuation Model Implementing Valuation by DCF
Financial Modeling Valuation (LinkedIn Case)
- Basics
- Revenue Build Up
- Asset Schedule
- Equity
- Profit & Loss
- Balance Sheet
- Cash Flow
- Valuation
- Analysis
Financial Modeling Analysis
- Understanding Trading Comps
- Understanding Transaction Comps
- Important Points to Note while using Valuation through Comps
- Integrated Valuation Model Comps
- Using Excel Data Tables for Scenarios
- Integrated Valuation Model Using Data Tables for Scenarios
- Understanding Deferred Taxes
- Implementing Depreciation using SLM & DDM
- Implementing Deferred Taxes
- Using User forms to create GUI in Excel
Financial Modeling Charting
- Integrated Valuation Model Charting Football Field
- Revenue Recognition
- Waterfall Chart Revenue Recognition
- Arranging Scroll Bars
- Dupont Analysis
- Sparklines Incell Charts Dashboard
- Integrated Valuation Model - Dupont Analysis & MCS
- Summarizing FM School
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