Why should I take HTML5 Developer certification?
Are you looking to learn how to build great websites with HTML5 & want to build websites that look good on any device? If you plan on becoming a web programmer or a web designer, HTML5 is one of the most essential language you must master. In this course, you will begin to move towards becoming a professional developer & a web designer. Learning HTML5 will give you a recipe for success.
Learn & Study
- Build a complete functioning website
- Gain good knowledge of HMTL5
- Control a website’s appearance, functionality & navigability
- Practice techniques for building web pages & websites
How will I benefit from HTML5 Developer Certification?
This certification is designed for anyone aspiring to be a web designer & developer. This course will also benefit bloggers, programmers or business owners who want to learn to code. Students who want to learn web design from start & anyone who want to learn the basics of web design or want to improve their web development skills will gain from this course.
HTML5 Developer Table Of Contents
HTML5 Developer Tutorial
HTML5 Developer Sample Questions
HTML5 Developer Practice Test
HTML5 Developer Interview Questions
Companies that hire Vskills HTML5 Developer
Vskills Certified HTML5 Developer may find employment in all kind of companies Capgemini, Accenture, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd, Wipro, HCL, IBM, Dell, Infosys etc.

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HTML5 Developer Jobs
Checkout the various job openings for HTML5 Developers, click here..
HTML5 Developer Internships
Vskills runs its flagship internship programme where bright interns work with academic council, click to know more details..
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- Introduction
- History
- HTML Versions
- HTML5 Enhancements
- Elements, Tags and Attributes
- Head and body tags
- HTML Editor
- Create a web page
- Viewing the Source
- White Space and Flow
- HTML Comments
- HTML Meta Tags
- HTML Attributes
- XHTML First Line
- DTD (Document Type Declaration)
- HTML5 new Doctype and Charset
- Special Characters
- Capitalization
- Quotations
- Nesting
- Spacing and Breaks
- HTML5 Global attributes
Core Tags and Attributes
- <html> element
- <head> element
- <title> element
- <body> element
Attribute Groups
- Attribute Groups
- Core Attributes
- Internationalization
- UI Events
- HTML5 New Attributes
Text Formatting
- <hn> Tag for Headings
- <p> Tags for Paragraphs
- <br /> Tag for Line Breaks
- <pre> tags to Maintain Formatting
Font Styling
- Font Styling Tags
- <b> Tag for Bold
- <i> Tag for Italicize
- <u> Tag for Underline
- <s> or <strike> Tag for Strikethrough
- <tt> tag for Monospace
- <sup> Tag for Superscript
- <sub> Tag for Subscript
- <big> Tag
- <small> Tag
- <hr /> Tag for Horizontal Lines
- <font> Tag for more Font style
Phrase Tags
- Phrase Tags
- <em> Tag for Emphasis
- <strong> Tag for Strong Emphasis
- <address> Tag for Address
- <abbr> Tag for Abbreviations
- <acronym> Tag for Acronym
- <dfn> Tag for Special Terms
- <blockquote> Tag for Quoting
- <q> Tag for Short Quotations
- <cite> Tag for Citations
- <code> Tag for Code
- <kbd> Tag
- <var> Tag for Variables
- <samp> Tag for Output
- <ins> and <del> tags for Editing text
Grouping Tags
- Grouping Basics
- Block and Inline Elements
- < div > and < span > tags
- HTML5 new structure and inline elements
- List Basics
- <ol> Tag for Ordered Lists
- Unordered Lists
- Definition Lists
- Nesting Lists
Site structure
- Site Structure
- URLs
- Absolute URL
- Relative URL
- <base> Tag
Hyper Linking
- Hyperlink
- Source anchor
- Destination anchor
- Using < a > Tag for Creating Links
- Using href Attribute
- MIME types
- Other Attributes
- Linking to a Specific Part of a Page
- Linking in same web site
- Linking to Other Web Sites
- Linking to E-mail Addresses
- Advanced E - mail Links
- Spam-Proofing E-Mail Links
- Image Links
- Customizing Links
- < img > Tag for images
- < img > Tag Attributes
- Using Images as Links
- Image Maps
- Applying Image Maps
- Image Formats
Audio and Video Linking
- Multimedia Basics
- Plug-ins and Web Browsers
- Audio File Formats
- Video Formats
- <embed> Tag and attributes
- <object> tag: and attributes
- IE-specific <bgsound> Tag
- HTML 5 Multimedia tag
- Adding Audio
- Flash for Audio
- Adding Videos
- Flash for Video
- HTML5 Canvas Element
- HTML5 and SVG
- HTML5 Audio and Video
- Table Basics
- Table Structure
- Using <table> tag
- <tr> Tag for Rows
- <td> Tag for Table Cells
- <th> Tag for Table Heading
- Table Cellpadding and Cellspacing
- Colspan and Rowspan Attributes
- Table Backgrounds
- Table Height and Width
- Table Caption
- Using Header, Body, and Footer
- Nested Tables
- Inserting Content
- Forms Basics
- Create a Basic Form
- Input control or “control”
- Text Input Control
- Radio Button Control
- Check Box Control
- Select Menu Control
- Button Control
- Label Control
- File Upload Control
- Hidden Field Control
- Form Processing
- Formatting Forms
- HTML5 new form input types
- HTML5 input validation
- HTML Colors
- Styles in HTML
- Scripts in HTML
HTML5 Advancements
- Dynamic page support
- Geolocation
- Web storage
- Offline Application
- Describing the basics and evolution of HTML versions
- Previewing the enhancements in HTML5
- Explaining the element, tags and attributes in HTML
- Clarifying head and body tag
- Enlisting various HTML editor
- Illustrating the process to create a web page and view it’s source
- Understanding the concept of white space and flow
- Detailing the HTML comment and meta tags
- Explaining the XHTML declaration and DTD (Document Type Declaration)
- Describing the new doctype and charset in HTML5
- Illustrating the usage of special characters, capitalization, quotations, nesting, spacing and breaks
- Detailing global attributes introduced in HTML5
Core Tags and Attributes
- Explaining the <html>, <head>, <title> and <body> elements
Attribute Groups
- Describing the concept of attribute groups and core attributes
- Explaining the implementation of internationalization and UI events
Text Formatting
- Detailing the usage of <hn>, <p>, <br /> and <pre> tags for text formatting
Font Styling
- Detailing the basics of <b>,<i>, <sup>, <sub>, <small> and <hr /> tags for text formatting
Phrase Tags
- Describing the concept of phrase tags
- Explaining the usage of <em>, <strong>, <address>, <abbr>, <dfn>, <blockquote> , <q>, <cite>, <code>, <kbd>, <var>, <samp> tags for structuring text
- Detailing the <ins> and <del> tags for editing text
Grouping Tags
- Understanding the need and basics of grouping HTML tags
- Describing the block and inline elements in HTML
- Detailing the usage of <div> and < span > tags
- Explaining new structure and inline elements introduced in HTML5
- Understanding the basics of list and it’s types (ordered, unordered and definition lists)
- Explaining the implementation of lists nesting and layout of site structure
- Describing URL and it’s types (absolute and relative URL) with usage of <base> tag
Hyper Linking
- Detailing the concept of hyperlink, source anchor and destination anchor
- Describing the usage of < a > tag and it’s href attribute
- Understanding basics of MIME types and other attributes of <a> tag
- Explaining the method to link to a specific part of a page, link in same or other web site and linking to e-mail addresses
- Illustrating the advanced e-mail links and methods of spam-Proofing e-mail links
- Describing implementation of image links and method to customize hyperlinks
- Explaining the usage of < img > tag and it’s attributes
- Detailing the technique to use images as links
- Describing the concept and implementation of image maps
- Illustrating various image formats supported by world wide web
Audio and Video Linking
- Describing the basics of adding multimedia in web browsers by plug-ins
- Detailing supported audio and video file formats and steps to add them
- Explaining <bgsound>, <embed> and <object> tag: and attributes
- Illustrating the usage of flash for audio and video
- Describing canvas, SVG, audio and video elements introduced in HTML5
- Understanding the basics and structure of table in HTML
- Explaining the usage of <table>, <tr>, <td> and <th> tags
- Describing the usage of table cellpadding, cellspacing, colspan and rowspan attributes
- Detailing table background, height, width, caption, header, body and footer attributes
- Illustrating nesting of tables
- Understanding the concepts of HTML form
- Describing the steps to create a basic form
- Detailing usage of text input, radio button, check box, select menu, button, label, file upload and hidden field controls in HTML
- Illustrating the methods for form processing and formatting forms
- Explaining the new form input types, input validation and elements introduced in HTML5
- Explaining method of specifying colors in HTML
- Describing usage of styles and scripts in HTML
HTML5 Advancements
- Explaining dynamic page support in HTML5 for context menu and it’s attributes
- Describing usage of HTML5 geo-location API for geographical location information
- Detailing methods for storing in web browser and offline application access