This course will take you on an exciting journey to learning Angular concepts with the help of enjoyable and easy-to-understand coding examples. Angular is one of the most popular frontend frameworks for building SPAs or web apps with HTML, CSS, and TypeScript. If you want to become a successful frontend or full-stack developer, Angular skills are a must-have. You'll start by understanding what Single Page Applications are and why you should use Angular to build them.
You'll then explore Angular modules, the @NgModule decorator, the Angular Application Bootstrap Mechanism, Angular Components, the @Component decorator, component communication, and lifecycle hooks.
As you advance, you'll learn to build your first Angular app within minutes. Before you delve into Angular 2 and later versions of Angular, which are all written in TypeScript, you'll learn the fundamentals of TypeScript and object-oriented programming to better understand and appreciate this powerful framework.
You'll also discover best practices for building Angular apps. By the end of this course, you'll be able to build end-to-end SPAs in Angular on your own, understand and fix common compile-time and runtime errors quickly, and implement clean and maintainable code like a professional.
Pre-requisite: Knowledge of Javascript, HTML/HTML5, computer networking and internet.
Why should one take Angular 10 Certification?
The certification is suitable for web developers, programmers and graduates wanting to excel in web application development areas. It is also well suited for those who are already working in web development and using angular and would like to take certification for further career progression in web application development.
Earning Vskills Angular 10 Developer Certification can help candidate differentiate in today's competitive job market, broaden their employment opportunities by displaying their advanced skills, and result in higher earning potential.
Who will benefit from taking Angular 10 Certification?
Job seekers looking to find employment in IT or software development departments of various companies, students who want to learn angular 10 and implement the same in their web development journey.
Angular 10 Developer Table of Contents
Angular 10 Sample Questions
Angular 10 Practice Questions
Angular 10 Interview Questions
Companies that hire Vskills Certified Angular 10 Developer
Angular is one of the trending JavaScript framework web developers are using to create web applications, there is a huge demand for certified professionals all across the globe. Companies like Google, Flipkart, TCS, Dell, Capgemini, Cognizant, IBM, Infosys, IBA etc are looking for certified professionals.

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Single Page Applications, Uses of Angular, and Getting Started
- Course Overview
- Introduction to Single Page Applications (SPA)
- Uses of Angular
- Setting up a Development Environment
- Angular Application Architecture
- First Angular App
TypeScript and ESNext
- Module Introduction and Introduction to TypeScript
- Setting up the Environment to Write TypeScript
- Variable declarations (var, let, and const)
- Types - Primitives
- Types - Reference and Special Types
- Operators - Spread and Backticks
- Operators - Destructure and Rest
- Classes
- Interface
- Arrow Functions
- Modules
- fetch
- async/await
Decorators, @NgModule, Angular Modules, and App Bootstrap Mechanism in Angular
- Module Introduction and an Overview of Angular Modules
- What are Decorators?
- Angular Modules and the @NgModule Decorator
- Declarations
- Imports and Exports
- Providers, Bootstrap, and entryComponents
- Angular Application Bootstrap Mechanism
@Component Decorator, Angular Components, Communication, and Lifecycle Hooks
- Module Introduction
- Angular Components and the @Component Decorator
- Creating an Angular Component using the Angular command-line interface (CLI) on StackBlitz
- Component Decorator Metadata
- View Encapsulation - Emulated, Shadow DOM, None
- Data Binding - String Interpolation - {{ }}
- Property Binding - []
- Event Binding - ()
- @Input and @Output Property Decorators
- Two-way Data Binding - [()]
- Attribute Binding - [attr.]
- Class Binding - [class.]
- Style Bindings - [style.]
- Introduction to Lifecycle Hooks in Angular
- Using Lifecycle Hooks in Angular
- View Queries: @ViewChild
- View Queries: @ViewChildren
- View Queries: @ContentChild and @ContentChildren
- Change Detection Mechanism in Angular Using ZoneJS and NgZones
Angular Routing, Guards
- Introduction to Routing
- Implementing Routing in an Angular App
- Creating a User List and Setting the stage for Child Routing
- Abstracting the User Link to a Separate Component
- Implementing Child Routes
- Path Match and Route Types
- Introduction to Route Guards in Angular
- CanActivate and CanActivateChild Guards in Angular
- CanDeactivate Guard in Angular
- Prefetching Data for a Component using Resolve
Dependency Injection (As a Pattern and Framework), Services, HTTP, Observables
- Introduction to the Section
- DI as a Pattern, DI as a Framework and Types of Providers
- Hierarchical Dependency Injection
- Introduction to Services in Angular
- GET Data from a REST API Using HttpClient
- CRUD Operations Using HttpClient, HttpParams, and HttpHeaders
- Observables and Operators in Observables - Map, Retry, and Catch
- Behavior Subject and Sharing Data Using Behavior Subjects
Directives and Pipes in Angular
- Introduction to the Section
- Introduction to Directives
- Built-in Structural Directives
- Built-in Attribute Directives
- Building Custom Attribute Directives
- Building Custom Structural Directives
- Introduction to Pipes in Angular
- Using Built-in Pipes
- Creating Custom Pipes in Angular
- Pure and Impure Pipes in Angular
- Decorators Revisited
- Building Custom Decorators in Angular
- Building a Custom Lifecycle Hook Class Logger Decorator
- Building a Custom Property Decorator in Angular
Forms in Angular
- Introduction to the Section
- Types of Form Building Strategies in Angular
- Creating Long Bootstrap Forms Quickly with VS Code Using Emmet
- Adding FormControl(s) to a Template-driven Form Using the ngModel Directive
- Getting the JavaScript Object Representation of a Form Using the ngForm Directive
- Disabling the Submit Button on a Form Using the Form's $invalid Flag
- Getting the JavaScript Object Representation of a Form in the TypeScript Class
- Adding Checkbox, Radio Buttons and Select List to your Template-driven Form
- Creating Subsections in the Form Using the NgModelGroup Directive
- Steps to Implement a Reactive Form in Angular
- Quickly Creating a Bootstrap Form for a Reactive Form Using Emmet
- Creating a Reactive Form in the TypeScript class and Connecting it to the Template
- Adding Form Validations to a Reactive Form
- Dynamically Adding or Removing FormControl(s) or FormGroup(s) Using FormArray(s)
- Adding Synchronous Custom Validations to a Reactive Form
- Adding Async Custom Validations to a Reactive Form
- Resetting the Value of a Form
Using Third Party Libraries and Frameworks, such as MDB, Angular Material and Firebase
- Introduction to the Section
- Creating an Angular CLI Project with SCSS as a Base Style
- Introducing Material Design Bootstrap (MDB) into Your Angular CLI Project
- Adding a Navbar in Your Header
- Adding Material Design Buttons
- Adding Cards
- Using Material Design Dropdowns and Form Inputs
- Introducing Angular Material into Your Angular CLI Project on the Top of MDB
- Adding Radio Buttons, Slide Toggle, Slider, Progress Bar, and Spinner
- Introduction to Firebase
- Creating an App Using the Firebase Console
- Setting up Your Angular CLI Project to Support Firebase
- Interacting with the Firebase Realtime Database Using the Methods on AngularFireList
- Adding and Reading Data from the Realtime Database in Firebase
- Updating and Deleting Data from the Firebase Realtime Database