Science Journalist Table of Contents

Table of Content


Science Journalism

  •  The Heading    
  •  Place and usefulness    
  •  The need for Science Journalism    
  •  The importance and usefulness of Science Journalism    

 History Of Science And Technology

  •  Science for a Science Journalist    
  •  History of Science and Technology for Science Journalist    
  •  History of Science in outlines    
  •  Civilization in Mesopotamia 
  •  Scene in Egypt     
  •  Greek Wisdom     
  •  Activities at Alexandria    
  •  The Roman Science and Technology    
  •  India’s Wisdom    
  •  Pre history to proto history    
  •  The Harappans    
  •  The Aryans
  •  The Vedas     
  •  The Arabs    
  •  The Dark Age, The Middle Ages & The Renaissance    
  •  Communication 
  •  Meanings and definition    
  •  Function of Communication    
  •  Responses and Formats of Communication    
  •  Elements of Communication    
  •  Modes of Communication    
  •  Land marks in Communication    
  •  Popularization Of Science
  •  Objectives    
  •  Necessity    
  •  The meaning of science    
  •  The way to science popularization    
  •  Institutions involved in propagating 
  •  Popularization Of Science Among Children    
  •  Duties And Code Of Conduct    
  •  The central idea    
  •  Limitations    
  •  Background    
  •  The modern scenario and the salient points    

 Laws and Privileges 

  •  Rules and Laws related to Science Journalism    
  •  Freedom of speech and expression    
  •  Privileges of Houses of Legislature    
  •  Registration of News Papers or Books    
  •  Official secrets Act     
  •  The Act to control quackery 
  •  Act concerning Publications harmful to the Youth    
  •  Act of related to the offer of competition and prizes    
  •  Press Council Act     
  •  The Indian Copy Right Act 
  •  Working Journalists Act 
  •  The Print Line    
  •  Indian Patents Act 
  •  The Nuclear Energy Regulation 
  •  The Press Commissions    
  •  Facilities available to the Journalists    
  •  Organizations    

 Training, Employment And Remuneration

  •  Main Points    
  •  Training    
  •  Employment    
  •  Honors and Awards    

 Science Reporting 

  •  Meaning and Object    
  •  The Crux    
  •  Aspects of Science Reporting    

 Science Writing 

  •  The Art of Science Writing    
  •  Element of readability    
  •  Tradition, Training and Practice        

 News, Report And Reportage    

  •   What is News    
  •   What is Reporting    
  •   What is Reportage    

 Translation And Vocabulary

  •  Object of the Unit    
  •  Need, Meaning and Principles of Translation    
  •  Styles of Translation    
  •  Kinds of Translation    
  •  Importance of Translation in Modern Context    

 Translation Of Scientific Writings

  •  Types of Translation    
  •  Historical Background    
  •  The main object of translation    
  •  The Principles and practice    

 The News Room

  •  Science Journalism for dissemination of knowledge    
  •  Professional Skills    
  •  The Copy writing 
  •  Over to Printing department    


  •  Construction of pages    
  •  Object of page make up    
  •  Elements of layout    
  •  Specialized layouts    
  •  Arrangement of News    
  •  Customary allocation of pages to different types of content    
  •  Supplements    
  •  Editorials    
  •  Other features    
  •  Column Writing

 Organisation, Management And Circulation

  •  Organisational Structure and Organs
  •  Administrative Division    
  •  The Editorial Staff
  •  The Advertisement Department 
  •  Circulation Department 
  •  Printing Department 

 Features And Write Ups

  •  Characteristics of a Feature    
  •  Types of Feature    
  •  Scientific Write Ups    

 Science Fiction

  •  Explanation         
  •  Background    
  •  Science Story Telling Abroad    

 What Is Science Fiction

  •  Science Fiction of a Darker World    
  •  History of Hindi Science Fiction    
  •  Problems and Solutions    
  •  The Process and Product    

 Craft And Technique of Science Fiction 

  •  The Object
  •  General Observations    
  •  Constraints to Excellence    
  •  The Content or The Matter    
  •  The Concept or The Design    
  •  Treatment or Presentation    
  •  The Technique or Craft    

 Science Journalism And Science Plays

  •  The Object    
  •  The Drama     
  •  The Science Drama    
  •  The Radio Play    
  •  The Tele Vision    
  •  The Drama - A Critique    
  •  The Drama - Classical Principles    
  •  Drama - The Art and The Craft    
  •  Elements of Drama - Dialogue, Plot and Character    
  •  Future Directions and Potentials of Science Drama    

 Science Journalism And Science Poetry

  •  The Object of The Unit    
  •  The Science and Science Poetry    
  •  The Duality Between Science and Poetry    
  •  The Dichotomy between Science and Poetry    
  •  The Poetry in the Service of Knowledge and Science    
  •  The Science Poetry in Modern Times    
  •  The Last Word

 Science Journalism And Science Quiz

  •  The Object of the Unit    
  •  What is Quiz?    
  •  Types of Quiz    
  •  Quiz in electronic media    
  •  The Art of Quiz    
  •  Quiz and a Science Journalist    

 Photo Journalism 

  •  Preliminary explanation    
  •  News Photography and News Reporting    
  •  Scope of the Unit    
  •  Originality and Creativity    
  •  Ingenuity, inspiration and training    
  •  Man and equipment    

 Science Journalism And Surveys

  •  Guidance    
  •  Place and use of Survey technique to the subject    
  •  Historical perspective and the present day scenario    
  •  Important issues    
  •  Utility of technique of Survey    
  •  Technological procedures and practices    
  •  Observation for data collection     
  •  Other methods and sources of data collection 
  •  Interviews 
  •  Questionnaire
  •  Schedule

 Survey Generation Of Data

  •  Tools and methods
  •  Sources and methods of primary knowledge    
  •  Identification of sources of information    
  •  Sampling

 Sampling Procedures

  •  Random Sampling 
  •  Stratified Sampling    

 Extraction of knowledge

  •  Merits and uses of the method of Observation    
  •  Methods    


  •  Schedule    
  •  The use of Schedule    
  •  Presentation    
  •  Object of the use of tabulated representation    
  •  Advantages of the method of tabulation    
  •  Limitations of the method of Tabular representation 
  •  Qualities of a good Table

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