Table of Contents
JavaScript Refresher
- Understanding "let" and "const"
- Arrow Functions
- Exports and Imports
- Understanding Classes
- Classes, Properties, and Methods
- The Spread and Rest Operator
- Destructuring
- Reference and Primitive Types Refresher
- Refreshing Array Functions
React Basics and Working with Components
- What are Components? And Why is React All About Them?
- React Code is Written in a Declarative Way
- Creating a New React Project
- Analyzing a Standard React Project
- Introducing JSX
- How React Works
- Building a First Custom Component
- Writing More Complex JSX Code
- Adding Basic CSS Styling
- Outputting Dynamic Data and Working with Expressions in JSX
- Passing Data Via "props"
- Adding "normal" JavaScript Logic to Components
- Splitting Components into Multiple Components
- Time to Practice: React and Component Basics - Problem
- Time to Practice: React and Component Basics - Solution
- The Concept of "Composition" ("children props")
- A First Summary
- A r Look at JSX
- Organizing Component Files
- An Alternative Function Syntax
React State and Working with Events
- Listening to Events and Working with Event Handlers
- How Component Functions are Executed
- Working with "State"
- A r Look at the "useState" Hook
- Adding Form Inputs
- Listening to User Input
- Working with Multiple States
- Using One State Instead (and What's Better)
- Updating State that Depends on the Previous State
- Handling Form Submission
- Adding Two-Way Binding
- Child-to-Parent Component Communication
- Lifting the State Up
- Time to Practice: Working with Events and State - Problem
- Time to Practice: Working with Events and State - Solution
- Controlled Versus Uncontrolled Components and Stateless Versus Stateful Components
Rendering Lists and Conditional Content
- Rendering Lists of Data
- Using Stateful Lists
- Understanding "Keys"
- Time to Practice: Working with Lists - Problem
- Time to Practice: Working with Lists - Solution
- Outputting Conditional Content
- Adding Conditional Return Statements
- Time to Practice: Conditional Content - Problem
- Time to Practice: Conditional Content - Solution
- Demo App: Adding a Chart
- Adding Dynamic Styles
Styling React Components
- Setting Dynamic Inline Styles
- Setting CSS Classes Dynamically
- Introducing Styled Components
- Styled Components and Dynamic Props
- Styled Components and Media Queries
- Using CSS Modules
- Dynamic Styles with CSS Modules
Debugging React Apps
- Understanding React Error Messages
- Analyzing Code Flow and Warnings
- Working with Breakpoints
- Using the React DevTools
A Complete Practice Project
- Adding a "User" Component
- Adding a Reusable "Card" Component
- Adding a Reusable "Button" Component
- Managing the User Input State
- Adding Validation and Resetting Logic
- Adding a User List Component
- Managing a List of Users Through State
- Adding the "ErrorModal" Component
- Managing the Error State
Working with Fragments, Portals, and "Refs"
- JSX Limitations and Workarounds
- Creating a Wrapper Component
- React Fragments
- Introducing React Portals
- Working with Portals
- Working with "refs"
- Controlled Versus Uncontrolled Components
Handling Side Effects, Using Reducers, and Using the Context API
- What are "Side Effects" and Introducing useEffect()
- Using the useEffect() Hook
- useEffect() and Dependencies
- Using the useEffect() Cleanup Function
- useEffect() Summary
- Introducing useReducer() and Reducers in General
- Using the useReducer() Hook
- useReducer() and useEffect()
- useReducer() Versus useState() for State Management
- Introducing React Context
- Using the React Context API
- Tapping into Context with the useContext() Hook
- Making Context Dynamic
- Building and Using a Custom Context Provider Component
- React Context Limitations
- Learning the "Rules of Hooks"
- Refactoring an Input Component
- Diving into "Forward Refs"
Building a Food Order App
- Starting Setup
- Adding a "Header" Component
- Adding the "Cart" Button Component
- Adding a "Meals" Component
- Adding Individual Meal Items and Displaying Them
- Adding a Form
- Working on the "Shopping Cart" Component
- Adding a Modal via a React Portal
- Managing Cart and Modal State
- Adding a Cart Context
- Using the Context
- Adding a Cart Reducer
- Working with Refs and Forward Refs
- Outputting Cart Items
- Working on a More Complex Reducer Logic
- Making Items Removable
- Using the useEffect() Hook
React and Optimization Techniques
- How React Really Works
- Component Updates in Action
- A r Look at Child Component Re-Evaluation
- Preventing Unnecessary Re-Evaluations with React.memo()
- Preventing Function Recreation with useCallback()
- useCallback() and its Dependencies
- A First Summary
- A r Look at State and Components
- Understanding State Scheduling and Batching
- Optimizing with useMemo()
Class-Based Components
- What and Why
- Adding the First Class-Based Component
- Working with State and Events
- The Component Lifecycle (Class-Based Components Only)
- Lifecycle Methods in Action
- Class-Based Components and Context
- Class-based versus Functional Components: A Summary
- Introducing Error Boundaries
Sending HTTP Requests
- How to Connect to a Database
- Our Starting App and Backend
- Sending a GET Request
- Using async/await
- Handling Loading and Data States
- Handling HTTP Errors
- Using useEffect() for Requests
- Preparing the Project for the Next Steps
- Sending a POST Request
Building Custom React Hooks
- What are "Custom Hooks"?
- Creating a Custom React Hook Function
- Using Custom Hooks
- Configuring Custom Hooks
- Onwards to a More Realistic Example
- Building a Custom HTTP Hook
- Using the Custom HTTP Hook
- Adjusting the Custom Hook Logic
- Using the Custom Hook in More Components
Working with Forms and User Input
- Our Starting Setup
- What's so Complex about Forms?
- Dealing with Form Submission and Getting User Input Values
- Adding Basic Validation
- Providing Validation Feedback
- Handling the "was touched" State
- React to Lost Focus
- Refactoring and Deriving States
- Managing the Overall Form Validity
- Time to Practice: Forms - Problem
- Time to Practice: Forms - Solution
- Adding a Custom Input Hook
- Reusing the Custom Hook
- Applying Our Hook and Knowledge to a New Form
- Using useReducer()
Adding HTTP and Forms to the Food Order App
- Moving "Meals" Data to the Backend
- Fetching Meals via HTTP
- Handling the Loading State
- Handling Errors
- Adding A Checkout Form
- Reading Form Values
- Adding Form Validation
- Submitting and Sending Cart Data
- Adding Better User Feedback
Diving into Redux
- Another Look at State in React Apps
- Redux versus React Context
- How Redux Works
- Exploring the Core Redux Concepts
- More Redux Basics
- Preparing a New Project
- Creating a Redux Store for React
- Providing the Store
- Using Redux Data in React Components
- Dispatching Actions from Inside Components
- Redux with Class-Based Components
- Attaching Payloads to Actions
- Working with Multiple State Properties
- How to Work with Redux State Correctly
- Redux Challenges and Introducing Redux Toolkit
- Adding State Slices
- Connecting Redux Toolkit State
- Migrating Everything to Redux Toolkit
- Working with Multiple Slices
- Reading and Dispatching from a New Slice
- Splitting Our Code
Advanced Redux
- Redux and Side Effects (and Asynchronous Code)
- Refresher/Practice: Part 1
- Refresher/Practice: Part 2
- Redux and Async Code
- Frontend Code Versus Backend Code
- Where to Put Our Logic
- Using useEffect() with Redux
- Handling HTTP States and Feedback with Redux
- Using an Action Creator Thunk
- Getting Started with Fetching Data
- Finalizing the Fetching Logic
- Exploring the Redux DevTools
Building a Multi-Page SPA with React Router
- What is Routing and Why?
- Installing React Router
- Defining and Using Routes
- Working with Links
- Using NavLinks
- Adding Dynamic Routes with Params
- Extracting Route Params
- Using "Switch" and "exact" for Configuring Routes
- Working with Nested Routes
- Redirecting the User
- Time to Practice: Onwards to a New Project
- Practice Redirecting and Extracting Params
- Practicing Nested Routes
- Adding a Layout Wrapper Component
- Adding Dummy Data and More Content
- Outputting Data on the "Details" Page
- Adding a "Not Found" Page
- Implementing Programmatic (Imperative) Navigation
- Preventing Possibly Unwanted Route Transitions with the "Prompt" Component
- Working with Query Parameters
- Getting Creative with Nested Routes
- Writing More Flexible Routing Code
- Sending and Getting Quote Data via HTTP
- Adding the "Comments" Feature
- Upgrading to React Router v6
Deploying React Apps
- Deployment Steps
- Adding Lazy Loading
- Building the Code for Production
- Getting Started with Deployment (Uploading Files)
- Exploring Routing Issues and Finishing Deployment
- What, How, and Why?
- Starting Setup and First Steps
- Adding User Signup
- Showing Feedback to the User
- Adding User Login
- Managing the Auth State with Context
- Using the Token for Requests to Protected Resources
- Redirecting the User
- Adding Logout
- Protecting Frontend Pages
- Persisting the User Authentication Status
- Adding Auto-Logout
- Finishing Steps
An Introduction to Next.js
- What is NextJS?
- Key Feature 1: Built-In Server-Side Rendering (Improved SEO)
- Key Feature 2: Simplified Routing with File-Based Routing
- Key Feature 3: Build Fullstack Apps
- Creating a New Next.js Project and App
- Analyzing the Created Project
- Adding First Pages
- Adding Nested Paths and Pages (Nested Routes)
- Creating Dynamic Pages (with Parameters)
- Extracting Dynamic Parameter Values
- Linking Between Pages
- Onwards to a Bigger Project
- Preparing the Project Pages
- Outputting a List of Meetups
- Adding the New Meetup Form
- The "_app.js" File and Layout Wrapper
- Using Programmatic (Imperative) Navigation
- Adding Custom Components and CSS Modules
- How Pre-Rendering Works and Which Problem We Face
- Data Fetching for Static Pages
- Static Site Generation (SSG)
- Exploring Server-side Rendering (SSR) with "getServerSideProps"
- Working with Params for SSG Data Fetching
- Preparing Paths with "getStaticPaths" and Working with Fallback Pages
- Introducing API Routes
- Working with MongoDB
- Sending HTTP Requests to Our API Routes
- Getting Data from the Database
- Getting Meetup Details Data and Preparing Pages
- Adding "head" Metadata
- Deploying Next.js Projects
- Using Fallback Pages and Redeploying
Animating React Apps
- Preparing the Demo Project
- Using CSS Transitions
- Using CSS Animations
- CSS Transition and Animations Limitations
- Using ReactTransitionGroup
- Using the Transition Component
- Wrapping the Transition Component
- Animation Timings
- Transition Events
- The CSSTransition Component
- Customizing CSS Classnames
- Animating Lists
- Alternative Animation Packages
Replacing Redux with React Hooks
- Starting Project and Why You Would Replace Redux
- Alternative: Using the Context API
- Toggling Favorites with the Context API
- Context API Summary
- Getting Started with a Custom Hook as a Store
- Finishing the Store Hook
- Creating a Concrete Store
- Using the Custom Store
- Custom Hook Store Summary
- Optimizing the Custom Hook Store
Testing React Apps
- What and Why?
- Understanding Different Kinds of Tests
- What to Test and How to Test
- Understanding the Technical Setup and Involved Tools
- Running the First Test
- Writing Our First Test
- Grouping Tests Together with Test Suites
- Testing User Interaction and State
- Testing Connected Components
- Testing Asynchronous Code
- Working with Mocks
React and TypeScript
- What and Why?
- Installing and Using TypeScript
- Exploring the Base Types
- Working with Array and Object Types
- Understanding Type Inference
- Using Union Types
- Understanding Type Aliases
- Functions and Function Types
- Diving into Generics
- Creating a React + TypeScript Project
- Working with Components and TypeScript
- Working with Props and TypeScript
- Adding a Data Model
- Time to Practice: Exercise Time!
- Form Submissions in TypeScript Projects
- Working with refs and useRef()
- Working with "Function Props"
- Managing State and TypeScript
- Adding Styling
- Time to Practice: Removing a Todo
- The Context API and TypeScript
- Exploring tsconfig.json
React Hooks Introduction and Summary
- What are React Hooks?
- The Starting Project
- Getting Started with useState()
- More on useState() and State Updating
- Array Destructuring
- Multiple States
- Rules of Hooks
- Passing State Data Across Components
- Time to Practice: Hooks Basics - Problem
- Time to Practice: Hooks Basics - Solution
- Sending HTTP Requests
- useEffect() and Loading Data
- Understanding useEffect() Dependencies
- More on useEffect()
- What's useCallback()?
- Working with Refs and useRef()
- Cleaning Up with useEffect()
- Deleting Ingredients
- Loading Errors and State Batching
- Understanding useReducer()
- Using useReducer() for the HTTP State
- Working with useContext()
- Performance Optimizations with useMemo()
- Getting Started with Custom Hooks
- Sharing Data Between Custom Hooks and Components
- Using the Custom Hook
React Summary and Core Feature Walkthrough
- What is React?
- Why React?
- Building SPAs (Single-Page Applications)
- React Alternatives
- Creating a React Project
- Setting Up a Code Editor
- Diving into the Created Project
- How React Works and Understanding Components
- More Component Work and Styling with CSS Classes
- Building and Reusing Another Component
- Working with "props" and Dynamic Content
- Handling Events
- Adding More Components
- Introducing State
- Working with "Event Props" (Passing Function as Props)
- Adding Routing
- Adding Links and Navigation
- Styling with CSS Modules
- Outputting Lists of Data
- Adding More React Components
- Building Wrapper Components with props.children
- Adding a Form
- Getting User Input and Handling Form Submission
- Preparing the App for HTTP
- Sending a POST Request
- Navigating Programmatically
- Getting Started with Fetching Data
- Using the useEffect() Hook
- Introducing React Context
- Context Logic and Different Ways of Updating State
- Using Context in Components
- More Context Usage
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