Rationale for CSR

HRP professionals have to perform the following roles that may be divided into three categories:

Administrative role

  • Managing the organisational resources
  • Employees welfare activities

Strategic role

  • Formulating HR strategies
  • Managing relationships with managers

Specialized role

  • Collecting and analyzing data
  • Designing and applying forecasting systems
  • Managing career development

These roles are neither necessarily found in every HRP work, nor they are evenly weighed in time allocation. Many combinations of roles are possible with different focuses based on circumstances of the organisation. The first two roles managing relationships with managers and for mutating strategies are weighed equally. The activities in these areas are equally important to HRP because of the implicit purposes of anticipating and implementing change in the organisation. The strategic roles are crucial to the HR professional’s effectiveness. These skills are very difficult to develop when compared to administrative skills. The administrative aspects of the work are represented in managing the staff function of HRP and in managing employee welfare activities. These aspects are often seen as supplementary to other aspects and demand a lot of attention. The remaining three roles represent specialized functions performed. Primary attention is given to a combination of three categories of activities – collecting and analyzing data, deisgning and applying forecasting systems and managing career development. These activities are new to the HR function in many organisations, and are closely linked with the mission of anticipating and managing change. Accordingly, they are viewed as central roles of HRP Professionals.

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