HRM Strategies

HRM strategies, also known as Human Resource Management strategies, are your organization's plans for managing people, culture, structure, and training and development, and for determining how people fit into your organization's future growth


One of the first aspects of your HRM strategy is determining the type of person who is needed to work in the organization. This is not just a matter of personality but also of the personalities and work styles that are needed to help your organization achieve its overall business strategy. Do the people in your organization need to be numbers-oriented, outgoing and focused on sales, or a combination of both?


Your organization's programs include several elements. The first is attracting the kinds of people you've decided are the right fit. How will the organization advertise positions and recruit the talent you've decided you need? After you've made the right hires, you have to look at how to train people to do their jobs effectively. In addition to training, your organization must decide how to retain employees after hiring and initial training. Your organization should also determine if there will be a bonus structure, a rewards program or further training that will lead to promotion in the future.


A large part of your HRM strategy relates to the overall culture of the organization. You should take the time to determine the leadership and management style of the organization. Is it autocratic, "open door," proactive or dictatorial? Your organization's senior management should decide on a closely related range of styles in order for a culture to "trickle down." On the other hand, what beliefs, values or missions does the organization want to achieve? This could be related to customer service, beating the competition or rising to the top of the market itself. One of the best ways to begin thinking about your organization's culture is to research how other organizations and human resources professionals have created a culture.


HRM strategy also extends to your organization's structure. You must decide what jobs will carry out which functions. Along with this, you should determine which jobs go with which departments--and who is going to manage those departments.


One of the final pieces of your HRM strategy is the development of the organization. You've already decided how to train the people you bring in, but what are the plans for training them in the long run? Will you offer leadership training as part of the overall development plan? Will you give employees the opportunity to take courses that will allow them to apply for promotion? Does the organization plan to publish "learning plans" that allow an employee to map out his future career, even if it isn't in the department in which he started out?


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