Cyber Law Sample Questions

Sample Questions


1. Which of the following crimes is done using a computer as the instrument?

A. Computer manipulation    
B. Money laundering
C. Data alteration
D. Theft of services

2. Which of the following crimes targets a computer?

A. Denial of service
B. Money laundering
C. Theft of services
D. Intellectual property violations

3. Which of the following best defines computer abuse?

A. Denial of service    
B. Money laundering
C. An illegal act in which knowledge of computer technology is used to commit the act
D. An intentional act involving a computer in which the perpetrator may have gained at the victim’s expense

4. What is a “Hacktivist”?

A. Politically motivated hacker    
B. Denial of service attacker
C. A proponent of Napster
D. A person engaging in an intentional act involving a computer in which the person may have gained at the victim’s expense

5. Which of the following is a computer crime that deprives the legitimate owner of a tangible asset?

A. Hacking    
B. Money laundering
C. Manipulating the price of a stock
D. Salami slice

Answers:      1 (D), 2 (A), 3 (D), 4 (A), 5 (D)


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