Table of Content
Company Law
- The Basic Principles of Company Law
- Lifting the Corporation Veil
- Concept of Share and Capital
- Formation of a Company
- Promoters, Pre-Incorporation Contracts provisional Contracts
- Doctrine of Ultra Vires and Doctrine of Indoor Management
- Kinds of Companies
- Prospectus and Deposits
- Allotment, Issues of shares at Premium Issue of Shares at a Discount, Rights Issue
- Membership, Nomination, Transfer of Shares and Share Warrant
- Charges
- Meeting – Board and General
- Inter-corporate Loans and Investments
- Directors
- Oppression and Mismanagement
- Compromise And Arrangement
- Accounts, Auditors and Dividend
- Winding Up
- Revival and Rehabilitation of Sick Industrial
- Producer Companies
The Competition Act
- Aims, Objects and Definitions
- Anti Competitive Agreements
- Abuse of Dominant Position
- Regulation of Combinations
- Competition Commission of India (CCI)
Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act
- The Securities (Contract) Regulation Act
- Subject Index
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