Course Outline
- History of Quality Movement
- Continuous Improvement
- Quality Pioneers
- Quality Management in Software
- Quality Concepts
- Customer Expectations
SQA Personnel Skills
- Essential Soft Skills
- Team Handling
- Leadership
- Communication Skills
- Time Management
- Work ethics
- Conflict Handling
- Negotiation Skills
Value Proposition
- SQA economics
- Cost Matrix, SLA and ROI
Quality Management Tools
- Base Lining
- Benchmarking
- Six Sigma
- Cause-and-Effect Diagram
- CPM/PERT Chart
- Control Charts
Quality Models and Standards
- ISO standards
- CMMi
- ISO/IEC 15504
Product Quality
- Product Quality Basics
- Quality Factors
- McCall’s Factor Model
- Software compliance with quality factors
- Product Quality Metrics
SQA Overview
- Software Quality Challenges
- Software Quality Expectations
- SQA Components
- Software Testing
- Software Development Methodology
- SQA Issues
Planning and Framework
- SQA Planning
- SQA Plan
- SQA Management Plans
- Output and Principles
- SQA Planning Standards
- Organizational Maturity
- Develop and implement framework
- Best practices
Integrating SQA
- SQA Process Integration
- Project Initiation and SQA
- Project Planning and SQA
- Analysis and SQA
- Design and SQA
- Coding and SQA
- Testing and SQA
- Implementing and SQA
- Project Closing and SQA
Software Configuration Management (SCM)
- Need and Objective
- SCM Tasks
- SCM Plan and Tools
- Software Configuration Management
- Base lining
- Software Configuration Control
- Software Configuration Auditing
Verification and Validation
- V&V Basics
- Audits, Reviews, and Inspection
- Static Analytic Techniques
- Dynamic Techniques
- Integrating V&V
- Test coverage
Analysis Techniques
- Analysis Basics
- Quality Tools
- Balance Scorecard
- Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
- Metrics Concepts
- Metric Requirement
- Metric Types
- Factors Affecting Metrics
- Metric Relevance
Risk Management
- Risk Concepts
- Risk Types
- Risk Management Process
- Risk Based Testing
Software Auditing
- Software Auditing Basics
- Software Audit Types
- Internal Controls
Advanced SQA
- SQA Tools
- CASE Tools
- Test Automation
- Testing Estimation
- Mobile Application Testing
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