Course Outline
Software Testing Introduction
- Why to Test Software
- Testing Terminology
- Test Organization
- Software Framework
- Test Framework
- Test Automation for Web Applications
- To Automate or Not to Automate?
Web Development Basics
- Web Application
- Javascript
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- XPath
- Popular Web Browsers
- Inspecting Elements in Browser
- Java Programming Language
Selenium Introduction
- Introducing Selenium
- Brief History of The Selenium Project
- Selenium’s Tool Suite
- Choosing Selenium Tool
- Supported Browsers and Platforms
- Flexibility and Extensibility
- Test Frameworks Types (Data Driven, Keyword Driven, Hybrid Framework)
- Why use Selenium, Eclipse and Java?
Selenium WebDriver
- Selenium 3.0
- How Does WebDriver ‘Drive’
- WebDriver and the Selenium-Server
- Setting Up a Selenium-WebDriver Project
- Selenium-WebDriver API by Example
- Selenium-WebDriver API Commands and Operations
- Handling Action Events
- Gecko Driver
- Firefox Driver
- Internet Explorer Driver
- Chrome Driver
- Opera Driver
- iOS Driver
- Android Driver
- Standalone Selenium Server with RemoteDrivers
- RemoteWebDriver
Advanced WebDriver
- AdvancedUserInteractions
- Browser Manipulation (Cookies, Profiles and Plugins)
- Event Listeners
- Parallelizing Test Runs
- Mobile Web Apps Testing
- Parameterization
- Read data from Excel sheet
- Handle Dynamic Web-elements
- Handle Keyboard Events
Test Design Considerations
- Introducing Test Design
- Types of Tests
- Validating Results
- Location Strategies
- Wrapping Selenium Calls
- UI Mapping
- Page Object Design Pattern
- Data Driven Testing
- Database Validation
- Exception Handling
- Logging and Reporting
- Grid Basics
- What is Selenium Grid?
- Selenium-Grid 2.0
- Selenium-Grid 1.0
- How Selenium-Grid Works–With a Hub and Nodes
- Installation
- Starting Selenium-Grid
- Configuring Selenium-Grid
- Getting Command-Line Help
- Common Errors
- Hub Diagnostic Messages
- Introduction
- Actions
- Accessors/Assertions
- Locator Strategies
Integrations with Selenium
- Jenkins
- AutoIT
- Maven
- TestNG, Junit
- Configuration Management Tools
- Selenium 1 (Selenium RC)
- Selenium-IDE
- Selenium 4 and 5
- W3C WebDriver
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