Course Outline
- Describing the need and evolution of python
- Illustrating the features of python programming language
- Exploring the interpreter prompt
- Elucidating the different editor and source file and extension
- Details on translation process and executable generation
- Explaining the steps for Windows and Linux installation of python
Language Basics
- Describing the various language elements (constants, numbers and strings)
- Explaining strings and it’s types (single quotes, double quotes and triple quotes)
- Usage of escape sequence, string concatenation and format method
- Detailing variables naming rules, types and objects
- Techniques for indentation and usage of logical and physical lines
Operators and Expressions
- Describing the various operators and expressions
- Explaining the evaluation order and concept of associativity
Control Flow
- Explaining the if conditional statement
- Illustrating the for and while loop construct
- Describing the usage of the break and continue statement
- Illustrating function parameters and local variables
- Detailing the usage of global and nonlocal statement
- Describing the concepts of default argument values and keyword arguments
- Explaining the VarArgs, keyword-only parameters and return statement
- Documentation using docstrings and annotations
- Generating compiled .pyc files
- Using the from ..import ..statement
- Custom modules creation and usage of “__name__ “
- Packaging using the dir function and packages
Data Structures
- Explaining data structures in python like list, tuple, sequences, dictionary and set
Object Oriented Programming
- Implementing OOP with the usage of ‘self’, classes and objects
- Detailing methods in object and the __init__ method
- Describing the usage of class and object variables
- Implementing inheritance
Input Output
- Illustrating interactive user input
- Detailing data storage in files
- Object storage by pickle
- Illustrating the basics of error and exception
- Describing the technique to handle and raise exceptions
- Explaining the application of try, finally and with statement
Standard Library
- Details on using sys module for system specific functionality
- Applying logging module for debugging
- Ultilizing urllib and json modules for internet interaction
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