Table of Content
PL/SQL Introduction
- Relational database, oracle and PL/SQL
- PL/SQL need and benefits
- Hardware and software pre-requisites
- Oracle environment configure and test
PL/SQL programming constructs
- Lexical elements and basic data types
- Constants, variables, operators and expressions
- Conditional and loop construct
- Overloading and recursion
Code Block
- Procedure and functions
- Packages, INSTEAD OF and triggers
- Compilation errors
- Exception handling and custom exception
- Declaration and defining
- Implicit cursors
- Cursor variables, using PL/SQL functions, record updates and shortcuts
Code Management
- Packaging and placement of code and triggers in database
- Code placement in application server
- Naming standard basics, need and norms
Advanced Datatypes
- Clob, blob and bfile
- Custom data types
- Varray and bulk collect
Transaction Processing
- Commit and rollback
- Autonomous transactions
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