Certified Marketing Manager Course Outline

Course Outline


Introduction to Marketing Management
  • Explaining the term Marketing and it’s core concepts
  • Describing the marketing environment and steps for company orientation towards market place
  • Illustrating the differences between sales & marketing
Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans
  • Elucidating the process for developing marketing strategy and plans by mission statement and encompassing the market and competition (both direct and indirect)
  • Describing with an sample marketing plan outline
Capturing Marketing Insights
  • Detailing the basics and usage of marketing information systems
  • Explaining the techniques for analysing the macro environment and marketing research
  • Understanding the techniques for measuring marketing productivity, forecasting and demand measurement with emphasis on marketing mix modeling
Connecting with Customers
  • Explaining the nedd and process of creating customer value, satisfaction, and loyalty.
  • Describing the steps for maximizing customer lifetime value along with cultivating customer relationships by utilizing the customer database and marketing
Analyzing Consumer Markets
  • Detailing the factors influencing consumer behavior
  • Illustrating the major psychological processes of consumers
  • Describing consumer decision process for buying
Analyzing Business Markets
  • Understanding the concept and application of organizational buying
  • Describing the business buying decision and procurement process
  • Elucidating the factors involved in managing B2B customer relationships
Identifying Market Segments and Targets
  • Explaining the various levels of market segmentation
  • Detailing the different approaches to segmenting and targeting markets
Building Strong Brands
  • Describing the techniques to measure sources of brand equity
  • Understanding the concept and importance of brand image
  • Detailing the different key success criteria involved in brand building
  • Explaining the basics of brand value chain
Developing a Brand Equity Measurement System
  • Understanding the process of brand audit for brand equity measurement
  • Describing the usage and application of brand equity management system
Shaping the Market Offerings
  • Explaining the process of setting the product strategy
  • Detailing the steps for designing and managing services for the market
  • Understanding the procedure for developing pricing strategies and programs
  • Describing the need and utility for business name, promotion and customer service
Delivering Value
  • Illustrating the steps for designing and managing integrated marketing channels
  • Understanding the role of marketing channels and analyzing customers’ desired service output levels
  • Detailing the techniques to identify major channel alternatives
  • Explaining the method for managing retailing, wholesaling, and logistics along with channel integration and systems
  • Describing the new competition in retailing with focusing the legal and ethical issues in channel relations
  • Elucidating the value chain and value delivery for companies’ requirement
E-Commerce Marketing Practices
  • Describing the concept of pure-click and brick-and-click companies
  • Understanding the basics and usage of M-commerce
Communicating Value
  • Explaining the importance and concept of integrated marketing communications
  • Describing the techniques for managing personal communications
  • Understanding the application and utility of word of mouth, personal selling and sales force

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