Certified HBase Professional Course Outline

Course Outline


HBase Introduction
  • Evolution of HBase database
  • Explaining the need for Non-relational Databases
  • Illustrating the various components of HBase
  • Detailing the requirements and installation procedure on Linux
  • Describing the standalone and distributed modes of HBase
  • Elucidating the various configuration options and deployment
  • Explaining the procedure to install cluster and configure it.
  • Illustrating the put, get and delete method
  • Explaining the scans technique and it’s usage
  • Describing the filters class and their types (comparison, dedicated and decorating)
  • Detailing the implementation of counter and coprocessor class
  • Detailing the HTablePool class and connection handling in HBase
  • Configuring and implementing client access by Avro, thrift and REST
  • Detailing schema definition and usage of HBaseAdmin
  • Explaining process to add or remove node and task in cluster
  • Implementing import and export of block and bulk data and replication
  • Describing the various metrics used for cluster monitoring
  • Usage of metrics with monitoring tools (JMX, ganglia or nagios) and implementation
  • Detailing data backup and security
  • Illustrating map/reduce and need for integration
  • Implementation by classes
  • Detailing the need and implementation of compression with different codecs
  • Describing the various optimizing techniques for splits and compaction
  • Explaining load testing, fault tolerance and load balancing

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