Learning Resources
- Evolution and generations
- Need and benefits
- Grid types
- Technical terms
Distributed Computing
- Internet Computing, peer-to-peer
- Grid architectures and middleware
- Computing on demand
- DHT and DRMS
Enterprise Computing
- Grid integration
- Open grid services and WSRF
- Computational economy and GRACE
Service Oriented Architecture
- SOA basics
- Design considerations
- Development for the grid
Web Services
- Web Services characteristics and architecture
- Web Services protocols (WSDL, UDDI) concepts
- Grid Services (WSRF, OGSI) concepts
Open Grid Services Architecture
- OGSA Model and interfaces
- OGSA basic services
- Handles, references and notifications
- Globus toolkit and OGSA
P2P Management
- Characteristics
- Data location and routing algorithms
- Benefits and shortcomings
- Scheduler role, features and selection
- Scheduling algorithms and architecture
- Common schedulers (OpenPB, Maui, Condor-G)
- Workflow management systems
- Workflow specification languages
Globus Toolkit
- Concepts and architecture
- Hosting environments
Grid Security
- Certificate basics (X.509, PKI)
- Java certificate services
- Globus toolkit security libraries
Resource Management
- Resource management models (AO, market, hierarchical)
- Web services GRAM architecture
- Network and memory management
Data Management
- GridFTP
- Multiple protocol usage
Web Service Resource Framework
- WSRF basics and OSGI
- Normative specifications
- GT4 and WSRF
Message Passing Standards
- MPI and MPI 2.0
- Cluster application
- HA and load balancing cluster
- HPC clusters
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