Course Outline
Creating Data and Content
- Worksheet Basics
- Enter and edit cell content
- Navigate to specific cell content
- Locate, select, and insert supporting information
- Insert, position, and size graphics
Analyzing Data
- Filter lists using AutoFilter
- Sort lists
- Insert and modify formulas
- Use statistical, date and time, financial, and logical functions
- Create, modify, and position diagrams and charts based on worksheet data
Formatting Data and Content
- Apply and modify cell formats
- Apply and modify cell styles
- Modify row and column formats
- Format worksheets
Managing Workbooks
- Create new workbooks from templates
- Insert, delete, and move cells
- Create and modify hyperlinks
- Organize worksheets
- Preview data in other views
- Customize Window layout
- Setup pages for printing
- Print data
- Organize workbooks using file folders
- Save data in appropriate formats for different uses
Organizing and Analyzing Data
- Use subtotals
- Define and apply advanced filters
- Group and outline data
- Use Data Validation
- Create and modify list ranges
- Add, show, close, edit, merge, and summarize scenarios
- Perform data analysis using automated tools
- Create PivotTable and PivotChart reports
- Use Lookup and Reference functions
- Use Database functions
- Trace formula precedents, dependents, and errors
- Locate invalid data and formulas
- Watch and evaluate formulas
- Define, modify, and use named ranges
- Structure workbooks using XML
Formatting Data and Content
- Create and modify custom data formats
- Use conditional formatting
- Format and resize graphics
- Format charts and diagrams
- Insert, view, and edit comments
- Protect cells, worksheets, and workbooks
- Apply File security settings
- Share workbooks
- Merge workbooks
- Track, accept, and reject changes to workbooks
Managing Data and Workbooks
- Import Data to Excel
- Export data from Excel
- Publish and Edit Web worksheets and workbooks
- Create and edit templates
- Consolidate data
- Define and modify workbook properties
Customizing Excel
- Customize toolbars and menus
- Create, edit, and run macros
- Modify Excel default settings
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