Learning Resources
- Internet and WWW
- Protocols
HTML Formatting
- Text Formatting tags (b, i, u, tt, etc.)
- Element Alignment
HTML Links and Lists
- Hyperlinks and Named anchors
- Lists and types (ordered, defined, etc.)
HTML Table
- Table basics and structure
- Table, tr, td and th tags
- Table Cellpadding and Cellspacing
- Colspan and Rowspan Attributes
- Nested Tables
HTML Frame
- Frameset, noframe and frame tag
- Frame based content menu
- Nesting Framesets and inline frames
- Forms Basics
- Form Controls (input, text, radio, button, etc.)
- Form Processing and formatting
Image and Multimedia in HTML
- Image, Audio and video formats
- img tag
- Image as links and image maps
- Multimedia plug-ins and flash
- embed and object tags
- Technologies
- Advantages and disadvantages
CSS Basics
- CSS Components (value, property, etc.)
- Syntax and Rules
CSS Selectors
- Selectors (class, ID, universal, etc.)
- Advanced Selectors (pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements, etc.)
CSS Cascade
- CSS Specificity
- Specificity Hierarchy
- !important Usage
- Language constructs (Variables, objects, etc.)
- Object Hierarchy and predefined objects
- Functions, arguments and function object
- Predefined JavaScript functions
JavaScript Statements and Operators
- JavaScript Operators (comparison, arithmetic, string, etc.)
- Conditionals and loop statements
JavaScript Events
- Event Objects and handlers
- Capture and release events
JavaScript Arrays and Strings
- Arrays object and methods
- String object, methods and regular expression
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