Certified CSS3 Developer Course Outline

Course Outline


CSS Basics

  • Introduction: An overview of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and its role in web design.
  • CSS3 Evolution: Explaining the evolution from CSS2 to CSS3 and its new capabilities.
  • Why to use CSS: The importance of CSS in styling web pages and separating content from design.
  • CSS Editors: Tools used for writing and editing CSS code, such as Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code.
  • A CSS Example: A simple example demonstrating how to apply styles to HTML elements.
  • Custom CSS: How to create custom CSS rules to style web pages beyond default settings.
  • Cross Browser Testing: Techniques for ensuring CSS works consistently across different browsers.
  • Including CSS: Different methods of including CSS in an HTML document: inline, internal, and external.
  • Validating CSS: Using validation tools to ensure CSS code meets web standards.
  • Browser-Specific Prefixes: Using vendor prefixes to ensure cross-browser compatibility for new CSS features.

CSS Components

  • CSS Components: Understanding the fundamental building blocks of a CSS rule.
  • Rules: How CSS rules define the styles to apply to elements.
  • Selectors (Grouping & Type): Explaining grouping selectors and selecting elements by type in CSS.
  • Declaration Block: The section of CSS containing property-value pairs that define styles.
  • Property: The specific style attribute to be applied to elements (e.g., color, font-size).
  • Value: The value assigned to a CSS property (e.g., "red" for the color property).
  • Keywords (Auto, Multiple & String): Understanding common keywords in CSS such as 'auto', 'multiple', and 'string'.
  • Lengths: CSS unit types used for defining length properties such as px, em, and rem.
  • Relative Units (px, em, ex, %): Explaining relative units like px, em, ex, and percentages used in CSS for sizing.
  • Numbers: How numbers are used in CSS for various properties like font size or opacity.
  • Colors: Using CSS to define colors through names, hex codes, rgb(), or hsl().
  • URL(): Using the URL() function in CSS to link to resources like images or fonts.
  • Quirks Mode: How older browsers may render CSS in quirks mode, causing inconsistencies.


  • Selector Basics: An introduction to basic selectors such as type, class, and id.
  • Tag Selectors: Selecting elements by their tag name in CSS.
  • Class Selector: Selecting HTML elements with a specific class attribute.
  • ID Selectors: Targeting elements with a unique ID attribute.
  • Group Selector: Combining multiple selectors to apply the same styles to different elements.
  • HTML Hierarchy: Using CSS to target elements based on their position in the HTML hierarchy.
  • Descendant Selector: Selecting elements that are descendants of another element.
  • Universal Selector: The universal selector (*) targets all elements on a page.

Advanced Selectors

  • Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-Elements: CSS selectors that style elements based on their state or structure.
  • Pseudo-Classes for Links: Applying styles to links in different states (e.g., :hover, :active, :visited).
  • Direct Child Selectors: Targeting elements that are direct children of a specific parent.
  • Next Sibling Selector: Selecting an element that immediately follows another element.
  • Attribute Selectors: Targeting elements based on their attributes and values.
  • Pseudo-Elements :First-Letter and :First-Line: Styling the first letter or first line of an element's text.
  • Advanced Pseudo-Classes: Using pseudo-classes like :nth-child and :not for more complex selections.
  • CSS3 New Attribute Selectors: New methods for selecting elements based on attributes in CSS3.
  • CSS3 New Pseudo Classes: New pseudo-classes introduced in CSS3 for more dynamic styling.

Cascade and Inheritance

  • Inheritance Basics: How CSS properties are inherited from parent to child elements.
  • Why Inheritance: The importance of inheritance in simplifying the application of styles.
  • Inheritance Rules: The rules governing which properties are inherited by default.
  • Cascade Basics: How the CSS cascade determines which styles are applied when multiple rules target the same element.
  • CSS Specificity: An Overview: Understanding how CSS specificity affects the priority of rules.
  • What is Specificity?: How specificity is calculated to determine which styles override others.
  • Specificity Hierarchy: The hierarchy of specificity that determines which rule is applied when conflicting styles exist.
  • Finding Selector’s Specificity: Techniques for calculating the specificity of a CSS selector.
  • !important Usage: The proper use of the !important declaration to override other styles.

Applying Font Formatting

  • Font Formatting Basics: An introduction to CSS properties for controlling fonts.
  • Font-Family: Defining font families to be used for text on the webpage.
  • Font Combinations: Combining different fonts to create an appealing typography.
  • Font-Style: Applying styles such as italic to text.
  • Font-Weight: Setting the weight (boldness) of the font.
  • Text-Transform: Controlling the capitalization of text (e.g., uppercase, lowercase).
  • Text-Decoration: Adding decorations like underlines, overlines, or strike-throughs to text.
  • Font-Variant: Applying alternate forms of fonts, such as small caps.
  • Font Size: Setting the size of the text in various units (e.g., px, em, rem).
  • Font Shorthand: Combining multiple font properties into one shorthand rule.

Text Display Control

  • Text Display Basics: Understanding how to control the display and alignment of text.
  • Line-Height: Adjusting the height of each line of text for readability.
  • Letter-Spacing: Controlling the spacing between individual letters.
  • Word-Spacing: Adjusting the space between words.
  • Text-Indent: Indenting text, often used for paragraphs.
  • Text Align: Aligning text horizontally (left, center, right).
  • White Space Property: Controlling the handling of white spaces in text.
  • Adding Color to Text: Using CSS to apply colors to text and background.

Page Background

  • Background Basics: Understanding background properties like color and image.
  • Background-Color: Setting a solid color as the background of an element.
  • Background-Image: Adding an image as a background.
  • Background-Repeat: Controlling how a background image repeats.
  • Background-Position: Adjusting the position of a background image.
  • Background-Attachment: Fixing the background image position while scrolling.
  • Background Shorthand: Combining all background-related properties into one rule.
  • CSS3 Multiple Background Images and Styles: Using multiple background images and their layering in CSS3.

CSS Box Model

  • Box Model Basics: Introduction to margin, border, padding, and content areas.
  • Margin: Setting the outermost space around an element.
  • Margin Collapsing: How margins collapse between adjacent elements.
  • Margin for Horizontal Alignment: Using margins for centering elements horizontally.
  • Border: Defining a border around elements.
  • Padding: Adding space inside an element between its content and border.
  • Height and Width: Controlling the size of elements.
  • IE Quirks Mode: Understanding how IE renders elements differently in quirks mode.
  • Min and Max Dimensions: Setting minimum and maximum dimensions for elements.
  • Overflow Property: Controlling how overflow content is handled within elements.
  • CSS3 Border Properties: New border properties introduced in CSS3 for customization.


  • Float Basics: Introduction to the float property and its use cases.
  • Float Property: How to apply the float property to elements.
  • Clear Property: Clearing floated elements to prevent layout issues.
  • IE 6 Float Bugs: Addressing issues related to float bugs in Internet Explorer 6.
  • Bug Removal Technique: Methods for fixing float issues in older browsers.
  • Vertically Aligning Content: Techniques for aligning elements vertically within their containers.


  • Positioning Basics: Introduction to static, relative, absolute, and fixed positioning.
  • Positioning Introduction: Overview of different positioning techniques.
  • Relative Positioning: Positioning elements relative to their normal position.
  • Absolute Positioning: Positioning elements relative to their closest positioned ancestor.
  • Fixed Positioning: Fixing elements in a fixed position relative to the viewport.
  • Z-INDEX: Controlling the stacking order of positioned elements.

Styling Lists

  • List Styling Basics: Introduction to styling unordered, ordered, and description lists.
  • List Tags: Basic HTML list tags (ul, ol, li) and how they relate to CSS.
  • List-Style-Type Property: Changing the bullet style or numbering of lists.
  • List-Style-Image Property: Using custom images as list item markers.
  • List-Style-Position Property: Controlling the position of list item markers.
  • List-Style Shorthand Property: Combining all list-style properties into one shorthand rule.

Styling Tables

  • Table Styling Basics: Introduction to styling table elements like borders and spacing.
  • Table Elements: Understanding table-specific elements like rows, columns, and cells.
  • Captions: Styling table captions for better readability.
  • Columns: Defining and styling columns in tables.
  • Table Layout: Controlling the layout of tables using CSS properties.
  • Borders Collapsing: Collapsing borders between table cells for a cleaner look.
  • Border Spacing: Defining space between table borders.

Print Styling

  • Print Styling Basics: Basic principles for creating print-specific stylesheets.
  • Print Style Sheets Advantages: Benefits of using separate styles for print.
  • Applying Styles Based On Media: Using media queries to apply styles depending on the output device.
  • The @media rule: How to use the @media rule for responsive design.
  • Page Breaks: Controlling where page breaks occur in printed content.
  • Content Property: Inserting generated content using CSS.
  • Print Style Sheets Tips: Practical tips for creating effective print stylesheets.

Customizing styles

  • Customizing Basics: Fundamental techniques for customizing the appearance of elements.
  • Custom Fonts: Using custom fonts with CSS.
  • Gradient Backgrounds: Creating gradient backgrounds with CSS.
  • Custom Mouse Cursor: Changing the default mouse cursor using CSS.
  • Custom Opacity: Setting the transparency level of elements.
  • Custom Visibility: Controlling the visibility of elements on the page.

CSS3 Enhancements

  • Multiple Columns: Implementing multi-column layouts in CSS3.
  • CSS3 User Interface Module: Enhancements to user interface elements in CSS3.
  • Media Queries: Making web designs responsive with media queries.
  • Text Effects and Typographic Styles: Applying advanced text effects like shadows, colors, and typography.
  • Color, Gradient, and Opacity: Using CSS to control color, gradients, and element transparency.
  • Transition and Animation: Creating smooth transitions and animations with CSS.
  • 2D and 3D Transformation: Transforming elements in 2D and 3D space with CSS.

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