Certified Core Java Developer Course Outline

Course Outline


Language Fundamentals
  • Explains Basics of Java programming language
  • Explains methods for garbage collection in Java
  • Explains the method of Implementing access control and declarations
  • Explains various flow control techniques
Object Oriented Programming
  • Explains various techniques for inheritance in Java
  • Explains the method of implementing encapsulation
  • Methods for polymorphism
Exception Handling
  • Elaborates the basics of exceptions
  • Explains different types of errors
  • Explains the procedure of using try-catch-finally blocks
  • Explains the procedure of implementing throw and throws
Input Output
  • Explains basics of file I/O procedure
  • Explains the uses of bufferedreader
  • Illustrates the procedure of implementing streams and bytes data
  • Explains the procedure of using the Strings,StringBuffer
  • Illustrates the concepts of collections interface
  • Illustrates the uses of vectors
  • Explains the procedure of implementing array list
  • Illustrates various methods of using maps
  • Explains the procedure of creating and using sets
  • Explains the basic principles and concepts of threads
  • Explains the concepts and procedure of implementing multithreading
AWT and Swings
  • Explains the concepts of AWT and swings package
  • Illustrates the uses and functions of Frames
  • Explains the procedure of implementing panels
  • Explains the procedure and techniques of using frames layout
  • Explains the procedure and techniques to connect a database
  • Explains the techniques and procedure to implement various types of statements
  • Illustrates uses of different types of drivers

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