Course Outline
- Evolution and characteristics
- .NET technology framework and common language runtime(CLR)
- Visual Studio .NET IDE, windows and features
- Visual Studio Projects
Language Basics
- Hello World – First C# Program
- Language Elements
- Types, Variables and Constants
- Operators and Expressions
- Statements
- Evaluation order and associativity
Control Flow
- C# Conditionals (If, switch, ternary)
- C# Loops (do, while, for, foreach)
- The break and continue statement
OO concepts
- Objects and Classes
- Passing parameters to method
- The null Keyword
- Namespaces
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance and polymorphism
- Operator Overloading
- Interfaces
- Methods
- The main method
- Passing Parameters
- Implicitly Typed Local Variables
- Extension Methods
- Named and Optional Arguments
- Method Overloading
Arrays and String
- Array & ArrayList class
- Jagged Arrays
- string class and methods
- Regular expression and mutable strings
Namespace and Delegates
- Namespaces
- Delegates
- Events
Exception handling
- Exception and types
- Try catch and finally block
- System. Threading Namespace
- Creating & starting thread
- Thread synchronization & pooling
.NET Application
- Console Application
- Windows Forms Application
- Database Connectivity
- Iterators
- Reflection
- Serialization
- Collections
- Input/Output
- Windows Presentation Foundation
- Assembly
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