Course Outline
- Mobile Application Development
- What is Android
- History of Android Platform
- Android Features
- Android Architecture
- Pre-requisites for Development
- Environment Setup
- Components of IDE
- Android Studio
- Android Application Framework
- Application Components
- UI and Screen Layout Design Elements
The Android Platform
- Java SE
- Dalvik Virtual Machine
- The Project Folder Structure
- XML Usage
- The AndroidManifest.xml File
Android Application
- The Application Life Cycle
- Activity Life Cycle
- Activity States
- Application Resources
User Interface
- Views
- XML Layouts
- Common UI elements
- Menus
- Dialogs
- Graphics Basics
- Displaying images and animation
- Canvas and Drawables
- OpenGL ES
- Hardware Acceleration
- Animation
- Audio Playback
- Video Playback
- Supported Media Formats
- Handling click and touch events
- Keyboard events handling
- Using context menus
Content Providers
- Content Providers Basics
- Defining and working with content provider
Intents and Intent Filters
- Intents and types
- Intents and Activities
- Intent Messaging and Resolution
- Broadcast Receivers
- Widgets
- Google Maps,
- Google Search Integration
- Location Based Services
- Data Storage
- Device Administration
- Web Apps
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