Media Law Analyst Sample Questions

Sample Questions


1. Common law protection for news gathering

A. Provides only bare access to government documents and meetings of public agencies.    
B. Is deeply rooted in the easy-access formula representative of the British tradition.
C. Involves the question of an individual's "interest" in the information sought.
D. Both A and C are correct.

2. In Richmond Newspapers v. Virginia (1980), the U.S. Supreme Court said

A. Crossing refers to correction to be done by Bank if any
B. Instruction for non-payment on counter by cash
C. Space to add detail by Bank
D. None of the above

3. The 1966 Freedom of Information Act represented a major change in policy because

A. President Johnson campaigned heavily for the spirit of the law.    
B. Earlier laws were generally designed to deny information to the public.
C. Reporters now have a means of appealing government denials of information.
D. B and C are correct

4. The FOIA covers records held by

A. The executive branch of government.    
B. Congress.
C. The judicial branch of government.
D. Private companies that have government contracts.

5. The 1976 Government in Sunshine Act requires that

A. Notice to be given before any meeting is held.    
B. Careful records to be kept at any meeting in which the public is excluded.
C. Informal communication not to be done between officials of an agency unless careful records are maintained and published.
D. All of the above are correct.

Answers:      1 (D), 2 (B), 3 (D), 4 (A), 5 (D)


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