Areas of Training– The organization provide training to their employees in the following areas
- Company Policies and Procedures: This area of training is to be provided with a view to acquainting the new employee with the Company Rules, Practices, Procedures, Tradition, Management, Organization Structure, and Environment Product! Services offered by the company etc. This acquaintance enables the new employee to adjust himself with the changing situations. Information regarding company rules and policies creates favorable attitudes of confidence in the minds of new employee about the company and its products/services, as well as it develops in him a sense of respect for the existing employees of the company and the like. The company also provides first hand information to the employee about the skills needed by the company, its development programmers, quality of products/services and the like. This enables the new employees to know his share of contribution to the organization’s growth and development. .
- Training in Specific Skills: This area of training is to enable the employee more effective on the job. The trainer trains the employee regarding. Various skills necessary to do the actual job For example, the clerk in the bank should be trained in the skills of making entries correctly in the edge, skills and arithmetical calculations, quick comparison of figures, entries and the like. Similarly, the technical officers are to be trained in the skills of project appraisal, supervision, follow-up and the like
- Human Relations : Human relations training assume greater significance in organizations as employees have to maintain human relations not only with other employees but also with their customers. Employees are to be trained in the areas of self-learning, interpersonal competence, group dynamics, perception, leadership styles, motivation, grievance redressal, disciplinary procedure, and the like. This training enables the employees for better team work, which leads to improved efficiency and productivity of the organization.
- Problem Solving : Most of the organizational problems are common to the employees dealing the same activity at different levels of the organization. Further some of the problems of different managers may have the same root cause. Hence, management may call together all managerial personnel to discuss common problems so as to arrive at effective solutions across the table. This not only helps in solving the problems but also serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information that could be utilized. The trainer has to organize such meetings, train and encourage the trainees to participate actively in such meetings.
- Managerial and Supervisory : Even the non- managers sometimes perform managerial and supervisory functions like planning, decision-making, organizing, maintaining inter-personal relations, directing and controlling. Hence, management has to train the employee in managerial and supervisory skills also.
- Apprentice : The Apprentice Act, 1961 requires industrial units of specified industries to provide training in basic skills and knowledge in specified trades to educated unemployed /apprentices with a view to improving their employment opportunities or to enable them to start their own industry this type of training generally ranges between one year to four years. This training is generally used for providing technical Knowledge in areas like trades, crafts etc.