Telephone Etiquettes

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Govt. Certified Business Comm. Specialist

Telephone Etiquettes

We often have conversations over phone and it is very important that we pay attention to how you talk or ‘behave’ on phone. The following guidelines will help to make the first impression a good one. A person is considered to be professional if he or she is courteous, thoughtful, competent, educated and valuable in his/her work and communication.

Answering calls for others

  • Identify yourself and the company or person for whom you are answering and say, How may I help you?
  • Offer assistance in the absence of others–say, “She is not in today, perhaps I can be of assistance
  • Do not make commitments for others-say, “I’ll give him your message when he returns”, rather than; He will call you as soon as he returns.
  • Take accurate, legible messages with time, date, reason for call, urgency, company represented, if any, the best time to reach them and all other pertinent information 

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