Techniques of stress management

Techniques of stress management

In order to handle stress it is essential to prevent it. However, if such a situation arises, various techniques can be adopted to manage stress. Amongst the various techniques available choose the one that works best for you by making them a part of your routine.

Some of the techniques of stress management are as under,

 Prevention: Make efforts to be calm, patient and relaxed at times of tribulations i.e., avoid overreacting to petty things that annoy you. Whenever anger or frustration conquest you, it drains away good energy and deviate from more important things.

Adjust to situations: Accept situation wisely and do not surrender to unfavorable circumstances.

Time Management: Schedule your work by making plans for effective utilization of time and effort.

Take a break: Spend alone time to break the routine. This will help relieve stress and gives you a better perspective of the happenings around you. Indulge in pastimes like reading, writing, painting, listening to music, dancing, exercises, and go on vacations or regular outings, etc.

Guidance and Faith: For maintaining a balance and developing well-being spiritual guidance is beneficial. Take-up relaxation training programmes like yoga, meditation or other methods that teach stretching, breathing to increase your inner strength.

Positive attitude: A positive approach to life helps in rejuvenation and instigates self-discipline and belief.

Sense of Humor: As it is believed “Laughter is the best medicine for stress”. Taking decision optimistically helps overcome mental stress and leads to a better lifestyle.

Setting Goals: For a controlled and stable working environment setting of goals accurately is very essential. One must be realistic in setting targets starting with small daily goals, then building up from there. Also re-evaluate your goals regularly and adjust them with changing scenarios.

Setting priorities: Form a list of tasks in order of priority by concentrating on important issues and delaying those issues that are not critical.

 Communicate and Express: The inability to express brings suffering and silence increases the stress and tension. Share your feelings and concerns with your family, friends etc.

Accept Change: Resisting change can create stress and uneasiness. Efforts should be made to mould according to changes in order to move ahead in life and make your own character for better.

Demand Support: Prolonged isolation contributes to stress-induced illness. In case of severe problem visit a counselor or a psychiatrist for consultation.

Reward yourself: Try to make yourself useful by rewarding your success and achievements. This helps in refreshing your psychological and emotional instincts.

Organize: Efforts should be made to efficiently organize and manage work. This will help in building a systemized lifestyle and encourage growth.

Strategy for managing stress

  • Manage your eating habits wisely
  • Consult your physician for professional advice
  • Exercise regularly
  • Plan relaxation and recreational activities
  • Lay- down goals for future
  • Adjust to changes
  • Communicate and express your outlook
  • Be positive
  • Avoid low self – confidence
  • Avoid being over competitive/over ambitious and Control temper

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